Wasp Prevention 101: Steps You Can Take To Keep Wasps At Bay In Western Massachusetts

Wasp tending nest

After a long winter, most homeowners look forward to spending more time outdoors during the warmer spring and summer months. During this seasonal transition, a variety of creatures such as stinging insects emerge in natural, outdoor settings, which include lawn and garden areas in residential areas. Although bees, wasps, hornets, and other types of stinging insects may provide some ecological benefits, they might also pose safety concerns for property owners in Western Massachusetts.

Are you wondering how to keep wasps and hornets away from your lawn and garden areas? Contacting a local provider of pest management solutions is the best course of action for efficiently dealing with the various types of stinging insects. A Western Massachusetts pest control company employs a seasoned team of professionals that understand how to deal with wasp nests in ways that ensure safety.

Wasp Identification Tips: Behaviors To Help You Identify Wasps

Some of the most common wasps in this region include paper wasps, yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets, and mud daubers.

What are some of the primary characteristics that homeowners might identify when trying to differentiate wasps from the various other stinging insects in Western Massachusetts? Wasps typically have slender bodies with a smooth, hairless texture and a thin waist (petiole), which links their thorax and abdomen. Wasps often appear with stripes and markings in bright colors including yellow and orange. Depending on the species, wasps might form aerial nests with a “papery” texture or nest within voids that exist in trees, exterior siding, or the ground.

Wasp Infestation Risks: Don't Ignore The Problem

In most cases, those who endure a wasp sting experience some pain, redness, and minor swelling of the skin. However, some people are susceptible to much more adverse allergic reactions that may require medical attention.

How many times can a wasp sting you? Wasps possess stingers that can deliver multiple, painful and venomous stings.

What is the best home remedy for a wasp sting? For local, mild stings, consider washing the area with soap and water and applying a cold pack as needed to limit swelling. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory options such as ibuprofen also may help relieve pain and swelling.

Strategies For Wasp Prevention: Effective Tips And Tricks

Area homeowners in search of answers regarding wasp prevention methods should also recognize what attracts wasps to yard areas. Some of the best strategies for preventing and deterring wasps include the following:

  • When outdoors, keep all food and beverages covered whenever possible.
  • Any trash bags placed outdoors should remain inside garbage cans with a tightly fitting lid that will impede access.
  • Before venturing outdoors during the summer months, limit the use of perfume or lotions that are excessively fragrant.
  • Choose clothing and outerwear in darker colors, as many of these insects are drawn to brighter shades.
  • Some plants that are less attractive to or may repel wasps include thyme, eucalyptus, and citronella.

In yard areas during the warmer months, homeowners should remain aware of the possibility of unexpectedly encountering a wasp nest and move cautiously.  For example, individuals might stumble into a ground nest and suddenly face a swarm of flying attackers.

Safe and Effective Wasp Removal: Contact Us Right Away!

What is the best way of removing a nest filled with stinging insects from the yard of my home in Western Massachusetts? American Pest Solutions has many years of experience in the realm of professional wasp control. Our specialists have the proper tools and personal protective equipment needed for the safe removal of active nests and know how to prevent wasps from returning to the premises later.

For environmentally sound and comprehensive pest management solutions, contact our office today.
