Are Termites Still A Problem In The Winter?

A group of termites on the ground

This is a common question here in New England. When you look out at the two feet of snow on your lawn and the ice sealing the doors to your car shut, it is hard to believe that you have to worry about termites. After all, aren't termites cold-blooded insects? Yep. They are. Your standard subterranean termite prefers a temperature of between 75 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit, but they are a resilient bug.

In winter, when the blankets of snow cover the ground, termites can be found deep underground, in stumps, in logs, or in man-made structures. Underground, they can feed on root systems. But if food sources cannot be found or the temperature gets too low, the colony will go into a low-energy state, and the workers will begin to move sluggishly—or cease moving altogether. This doesn't happen often because snow acts as a sort of blanket and keeps the cold from getting too deep into the earth.

If a termite swarm targeted your house in the fall and you missed the signs, these insects could be silently feeding on your home right now. In the walls of a man-made structure, termites can eat wood 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. And they'll do it at full capacity if they find a spot near a heat vent or hot water pipe.

In the United States, termites account for over $5 billion dollars in property damage each year. These insects can create repair jobs that are a nightmare to fix, and even render a home unrepairable. Year-round termite service is the single best investment you'll ever make in your home.

If you live in New England, see if you have an American Pest Solutions near you. If you don't, here is what you should be looking for in a termite control company. Look to see that they offer monitoring and bait systems, as well as a liquid termiticide treatment. This will give you twice the protection if one isn't enough. Ask if the company is accredited by the Better Business Bureau, and whether or not they have Board Certified Entomologists on staff. A well-educated and professional company, with varied treatment options, is the only way to go.
