Pest Management Advice


Pest management isn't as simple as we'd like it to be. Ideally insects, rodents, and the like would never get into our structures at all. But they do, and for health and safety reasons, it's better to deal with them sooner than later. The longer you put things off, the more the problem is likely to worse. Here at American Pest Solutions, we recommend calling a pest control company at the first sign of a problem. But we also believe that homeowners have a part in preventing infestations. With that in mind, here is some advice we’ve put together to help you protect your home from insects, rodents and other nuisance and damaging pests.

  • Do not allow food, trash, decaying wood etc. to remain in or on your property.
  • Cover or seal trash tightly.
  • Cut back limbs, shrubs and vines that touch or overhang your property.
  • Stack firewood off the ground as far away from the structure as possible.
  • "Weatherize" your home. Seal all possible pest entry points.
  • Close all gaps larger than 1/4 inch.
  • Check for and remove structural damage such as moisture-damaged wood. Water damage can cause weak spots in the structure. Pests may enter through the weakened area.
  • Repair damaged windows and screens.
  • Look for holes where roofs overlap.
  • Keep gutters clear of leaves and other debris that would clog them.
  • Keep storage areas organized. Boxes, old newspapers and miscellaneous odds and ends will attract rodents.
  • Keep all areas where food is prepared, stored, and served clean and free of crumbs and grease.
  • Clean seasonal clothing before storing. Store in durable containers that can withstand rodent teeth.
  • Remove unnecessary items that may attract pests. This includes drawer and cabinet liners, paper grocery bags, and even wallpaper.
  • Carefully check for pests in furniture, boxes, paper, and other items brought into your home.
  • Consider installing a chimney cap or wire mesh cover to keep squirrels, raccoons, and birds out of it. Chimneys represent the single largest opening in a typical home.
  • Completely seal areas where pipes, cables, and wires enter walls.
  • Install 1/4-inch wire mesh (hardware cloth) over attic, roof, and crawl space vents. This should help prevent the entry of birds, bats, squirrels, rodents, and other wildlife. Be sure to wear gloves when cutting and installing hardware cloth, as the wire edges are razor sharp.
  • Protect yourself and others from contact with any pesticide.
  • Never eat, drink, or smoke while using any pesticide.