Flies Causing Headaches In Hartford, CT

Fruit Flies eating fruit.

With more inquiries recently for fly identification and control, it looks like it might be time to do another article on flies and fly prevention. They are nothing but a headache for homeowners! Here is a quick list of flies you're likely to encounter in your home and a few ways to identify what flies you're dealing with and what control options will help you to contain the problem.

House Fly

This pest is given the name "house" fly for a reason, it is one of the most common insects you'll find in your home. They are a resilient pest and a fast breeder, but with a little understanding, you'll squish this pest quickly.

  • This is the largest fly you'll get in your home. If you have green bottle flies, they'll make identification easy by giving you a shiny green skin with which to identify them.
  • House flies feed on decaying organic material. Keeping things clean and organic matter contained will help you resist these and other flies. Containment begins with an indoor trash can that seals.
  • Put dishes in soapy water instead of next to the sink in a stack. It doesn't take much food to feed a fly.

Fruit Fly

You're usually going to find these tiny flies hanging out in the kitchen because your kitchen is probably where they are eating and breeding. Fruit flies are attracted to ripening or rotted fruit, but they are known to feed on any decaying organic material.

  • These flies usually come into your home on the fruit you buy at the supermarket. If you put your fruit in the fridge, instead of on your counter or dining room table, you'll better resist these flies. Don't worry, your fruit will still ripen in the fridge.
  • If you already have a ton of fruit flies, do a search for fruit fly traps online. A simple concoction of water, sugar, apple cider vinegar, and dish soap in a jar is enough to stop an infestation.

Drain Fly

These flies can be quite a mystery. They seem to come out of nowhere and rapidly grow in population. These pests like moisture, which makes your drains an ideal breeding site.

  • Identifying drain flies is as easy as covering the drains in your kitchen with clear plastic and waiting to see if flies collect. You can also use two pieces of tape in an X pattern over the drain. When flies come out, they will stick on the tape.
  • If you have drain flies in your drain, there is a good chance you have organic buildup in your drains. Getting rid of the buildup will also destroy the flies.

If you need help identifying and controlling flies or other pests, give American Pest Solutions a call. Our expert technicians can help you find a permanent solution for your pest issues.
