Many homeowners are under the notion that pests are only active in the spring and summer and that during the fall months, they pack up and take a trip to some unknown location and live there for the winter, giving us a break from worrying about them. While this would be nice, unfortunately, this is simply not true. Pests are never completely “gone” and neither should your worry about them infesting your home.
While many pest species are more active and visible during the warmer months of spring, summer, and early fall, they have to go somewhere when the weather gets cold; and if you aren’t prepared, that somewhere will be your Hartford, Connecticut home. That’s right- while you may not see pests in your yard or garden in the colder winter months; if you aren’t careful you could hear or see them scurrying through your home, uh oh! This is why year-round protection against a pest is so important. Pests don’t take a break during the winter months and neither should your pest protection services.
Pests enter homes over the winter months in order to search for a safe, warm place to stay that is close to food and water sources, and once inside, they can cause a variety of problems. Not only are they a nuisance and hassle to deal with, but they will introduce a wide variety of diseases and bacteria into your home that can make you and your family ill.
Pests are not shy and will not hesitate to feed on anything that they can find or get into in your kitchen, contaminating the food and your food prep areas. Also, pests can damage the structure of your home and destroy personal property. Basically, having pests in your home no matter what time of year, is not a good thing. They should be eliminated as quickly as possible, and then controlled through year-round pest control services to prevent future problems.
At American Pest Solutions we understand how important year-round pest control is to the health and safety of your home and family. We can provide your home and property with necessary year-round home protection from pests through our pest guard home protection program. Our trained professionals use safe products that will quickly eliminate any current problems that you are having with pests, and then we will focus on providing exterior services (unless there is a known problem inside) through quarterly visits to stop future problems with pests year-round!
By working together we can make sure that your home is not a place that pests want to invade, whether it is 80 degrees and sunny outside, or 20 degrees and snowing! Contact American Pest Solutions today for more information about our pest guard home protection program and how it can protect your Hartford, Connecticut home from pesky, dangerous, and damaging year-round pests!

Year-Round Protection From Pests

American Pest Solutions