Rats And Mice, A Comparison

A rat on the side of a staircase

Do you have rodents in your house? If you do, there is a good chance it is one of the following: house mice, deer mice, Norway rats, or roof rats. Here is a quick comparison of these four animals, and how you can protect your family from the damage and disease associated with them.

Norway Rats. As you may have guessed, Norway rats are not indigenous to the United States, but they can now be found all across this great land of ours. Norway rats are nocturnal creatures that dig through dumpsters and nest under concrete slabs. They are dirty animals that's drawn to filth and rotting things. For this reason, rats can be linked to the spread of plague, jaundice, cowpox virus, and more.

Roof rats. Considered of Southeast Asian origin, roof rats can be found all through the deep south, and up the eastern seaboard. They can be found in the upper parts of human structures, or trees. And, the CDC links these rats to jaundice, typhus, rat-bite fever, salmonellosis, trichinosis, and more.

Deer mice. Found in every state of the union, deer mice prefer rural areas and can be found in fence posts, tree hollows, log piles, and human dwellings. These mice are considered the most common carriers of Hantavirus, which can lead to Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

House mice. Of all these critters, the house mouse is the most common household pest--hence the name. This mouse will nest in secluded areas like attic crawl spaces, basements, sheds, and wall voids. Like all rodents, the house mouse can spread the viruses listed above, but no virus specifically.

In winter, these four creatures will look to overwinter in human dwellings. While in attic spaces and wall voids, rodents will chew on wood and wire, making them a fire hazard and a home repair nightmare. Though they aren't guaranteed to carry any of the viruses listed above, the risk of disease and bacteria is high with these pests. If you find a mouse in your home, contact a pest management company to seal your exterior walls, clean infected areas, and safely remove all rodents from the premises.

When selecting a pest control company, remember to ask a few questions. Find out if they are QualityPro certified by the National Pest Management Association. Ask if they employ entomologists and other licensed and certified staff. And, check their standing with the Better Business Bureau. Your family's safety is important. Get professional pest control, when it comes to rodent infestation.
