Summer Stingers

Stinging Insect

Who has the greatest chance of getting stung by stinging insects? Is it the dumb guy who tries to take honey from an active hive? Maybe. Is it the unfortunate soul who decides to get rid of a nest in his attic by himself? Probably. But the real answer is: The person with the greatest chance of getting stung by a stinging insect is the one who has the most stinging insects flying around their home.

You may not know this, but most stinging insects start over every year. Very few make it through the winter, unless they have a hive in a protected area that stays warm all year round, most die off. That is why each summer, about this time, stinging insects begin to get worse. If you're already having a problem, by the end of summer it is only going to get worse.

How do I protect myself from summer stingers?

  • Screens. Proper screening is key to preventing stings. If you have holes in any of your screens, wasps and hornets will exploit those holes, especially when temperatures start to drop again.
  • Plug holes. Examine your window and door frames for even the smallest holes. These are insects that continually explore your exterior walls for nooks.
  • Watch out for sliding doors. If you have a sliding door, you can accidently bring a stinging insect into your home. Take a quick look on the glass before sliding because some insects have a hard shell and can pass right by your weather stripping. Keeping your screen door closed can prevent this from happening.
  • Be careful. You can literally stir up a hornet's nest without realizing it. If you have hornets living in a shed or yellow jackets living in a hole in your lawn, you could find yourself in a world of hurting. Movement and vibrations can send these insects into a swarm.
  • Follow them. If you see a stinging insect, watch where it goes. If it disappears into a crack, eave or hole, you may have a nest. Proactive tracking of stinging insects can save you from a swarm attack, especially if you have Africanized honey bees.
  • Do a search. You should routinely check your eaves, overhangs and attic spaces for stinging insects. Many of these summer stingers will create a big grey nest for you to see.

If you find a nest, or suspect there is a nest on your property, contact American Pest Solutions to do a sweep and remove all nests. The fewer stinging insects you have flying around, the less chance you have of being stung. It's that simple.
