Hartford Exterminators Offer Tips On Termites

Termite infestation.

May 15-21 is Termite Awareness Week. All homeowners and business owners should be educated on termites and their habits. Termites are a real concern in the eastern United States. This includes Hartford, Connecticut. Eastern subterranean termites are the most common and widely distributed termite in the USA. These tiny creatures are highly destructive to Douglas Fir, spruce, and other common building products. It is estimated that 1 in 5 homes in high activity areas are affected by termites. This leads to millions of dollars in damages each year. What can you do to help keep them out of your house?

Keeping termites out of your house is a job best left to the professionals. Professionals, like American Pest Solutions, can provide you around the clock and year round protection from these destructive creatures. There are a few things that you can do to aid in this process:

  • Get rid of wet wood, cardboard debris, and wood piles near your home or any other structure.
  • If wood from your home's frame or siding MUST touch the ground, be sure that you use properly treated wood that will not attract termites.
  • Inspect all used lumber and wooden articles of furniture carefully for termite infestations.
  • Reduce moisture build up in and on your home by keeping plants and trees from coming in contact with your walls.
  • Be sure of proper ventilation in your walls, attic, basement, and crawl space.

Termites can enter your home through the smallest of access points. They can do hundreds, even thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home before you even have a clue that they are there. They are nothing to fool around with. If you suspect that you may have an issue with termites in your home, you should contact a professional right away. Do not wait. If you don’t have any obvious sign of termite presence, you should still contact a pest professional to do an inspection of your buildings and property. At American Pest Solutions, our pest experts will know what to look for when it comes to these pests and will be able to recommend a course of action if termites are found. Contact us today to discuss our termite treatments and preventive measures.
