Mosquitoes Are Out In Mass


That's right. Large quantities of blood sucking insects have started taking to the air all across Massachusetts. It happens every year. In fact, it is so predictable, they've been given their own season: mosquito season. But, just because their reemergence every year is inevitable, mosquito bites don't have to be. There is actually something you can do about these nasty little inflictors of torment. You don't have to take this plague lying down. Actually, you don't have to take this plague standing up either. Here's what you need to know to reduce the number of itchy, seasonal welts you're going to suffer.

When traveling:

  • Use an insect repellent with DEET. Though not a sure fire way to prevent bites, you can reduce bites with DEET.
  • Wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants. The less skin you have exposed, the harder a target you will be. Be aware though that mosquitoes can stick you through material with pores in it, like cotton or wool.
  • Avoid being outside at dawn and dusk. Mosquitoes hide in bushes and shrubs during the heat of the day and come out strong in the morning and night when it cools off.

At home:

  • Stay inside screened areas. This is a no-brainer.
  • Don't use a bug light. These lights draw mosquitoes in, but they are only effective at killing male mosquitoes, which do not bite.
  • Don't wear strong perfumes. Male mosquitoes are drawn to sweet things because they eat nectar. If you lure male mosquitoes in, you'll draw females with them.
  • Smoke and tiki torches have little effect at keep mosquitoes away.
  • If you don't have a breeze, generate one. A large fan will go a long way toward keeping mosquitoes away, while cooling you down at the same time.
  • Invest in mosquito control. A typical mosquito will not travel more than 300 yards in its short lifetime. Those mosquitoes that are biting you are probably from a nearby breeding site. Pest control companies can remove breeding sites, treat lawns to kill egg sacks, and kill adult mosquitoes where they hide during the day.
  • Get rid of areas where water collects. Broken or obstructed gutters, lawn clutter, and low areas on your lawn where rainwater collects, are all ideal locations for mosquitoes to breed.

Mosquito swarms are inevitable; bites are not. Protect yourself from itchy welts, and the flu-like viruses mosquitoes spread, by taking precautions this season. Life is just better without mosquitoes. Enough said.
