Mice Facts And Prevention Tips

A close up image of a mice in an open area

The common house mouse is a very unique creature. It is believed that mice traveled the vast ocean via embarking on colonists’ ships and invading the eastern shores of North America. From there, this army of small rodents with protruding eyes, hairless tail, and large ears began their march across the United States, eventually settling in every state.

Mice can be found in and around farmhouses and barns as well as inner city homes. Mice are found in open fields and agricultural environments as well as the dumpsters and garbage bins of commercial establishments.

As for their quest for food, mice prefer seeds and grain. However, these nibblers will sample almost any kind of food in their path. Once they invade locations in which human food exists, the mouse may quickly prefer foods high in sugar, fats, and protein. They will rapidly develop an affinity for candy and greasy meat such as bacon.

Mice are usually considered to be nocturnal. These pesky creatures have poor eyesight, but it is not their eyesight they rely on in their quest for food. Mice have incredible smell and taste and will quickly find any available snack that may be left in the open.

Mice are quite prolific and will build nests in the ground or inside sheltered areas. Young mice, or pups, will begin eating solid food as early as 3 weeks of age and will be sexually mature at 6 to 10 weeks. One female can have from 5 to 10 litters each year, causing population explosions in a short period of time.

The internal calendar of mice and other rodents will cause them to begin searching for more comfortable living conditions during this time of year. As outdoor temperatures drop, you may suddenly see signs of mice—droppings or gnawing of food containers. Mice are very agile, athletic pests and can gain entry to your house or commercial establishment by jumping, gnawing, climbing, and even swimming. These inquisitive creatures love to explore and will quickly learn the best path to travel as they forage for food and water.

Make no mistake about it; mice can cause considerable damage and frustration. Their gnawing ability is second to none. They will chew through walls and electrical cords, increasing risk of fire. Many heirlooms and other packed-away possessions have suffered damage from these chewing pests. Stored food in normal containers is not safe in areas of mice infestations. Unfortunately, this causes food poisoning and other health issues.

Controlling mice infestation begins with preventing entry and then eliminating all food and water sources. However, large numbers of mice inside your home or business will usually require the services of professional pest control specialists. The quickest and most effective method of control is to contact a professional like American Pest Solutions. We have been providing effective pest control since 1913 and continue to be a leader in the field of pest control. Utilize our pest guard program and enjoy year-round protection from mice and most other household pests.