Hartford CT Pest Control Alert

Mouse in the fall seeking winter shelter.

Keeping mice out of homes is a battle that has been fought for centuries. Mice want to live near us, not because they particularly like us, but to use us for easy access to food, water, and shelter. And we want mice to find anywhere else to live except for our homes, garages and sheds. So, it is that time of year once again in Hartford, when you need to up your game in the battle of the mouse and make changes around your home to ensure that the neighborhood mice don’t use your house as their retreat this upcoming winter.

It would be one thing if mice were kind considerate houseguests, ya know, if they cleaned up after themselves, did the dishes and the occasional load of laundry, but that just isn’t the case. But, mice are terrible houseguests, they are noisy, active at night, contaminate your food and kitchen with their urine and feces, introduce diseases, and chew through personal belongings and the structural elements of your home. Making sure to keep mice out of your home this fall is very important to the health and safety of both your home and family!

At American Pest Solutions we want to remind you about some of the easy steps you can take in order to help stop mice from gaining access to your home this fall.

Mouse Prevention Tips

  • Inspect the exterior of your home and seal any small cracks or gaps in the exterior walls, foundation, around windows and doors, utility entrances, and roof lines. Inspect your home’s roofline and ensure that any vents have tight fitting covers, and that chimneys have tight fitting caps.
  • Make sure that outdoor trash cans have tight fitting/locking lids on them. Keep them up off of the ground and stored away from the exterior of your home. Any woodpiles should also be stored up off of the ground and again be kept a distance away from your house.
  • Clean up piles of leaves and other debris on your property. Trim back trees, bushes, and other landscaping that is overgrown and coming into contact with the exterior of your home. Overgrown landscaping gives mice a place to hide and allows them easier access into your home.
  • In kitchen areas make sure to immediately clean up spills and crumbs, store food in sealed containers or in the refrigerator, and wash dirty dishes quickly (don’t leave them in the sink overnight). Regularly move out and clean behind large appliances.
  • Complete a fall “clean-out” by removing clutter and unneeded items from storage areas like basements, attics, crawl spaces, and closets. The less “stuff” they have to nest and hide in the easier it will be to spot an infestation and get rid of them quickly.

Here at American Pest Solutions, we can help you to control mice and other pest infestations in your Hartford home through our year-round home pest control services. Our Pest Guard program offers safe and effective solutions to eliminate any current problems with mice and then focuses on prevention to stop future problems with them and other pests!

For help getting rid of or stopping mice from getting into your Hartford home this fall contact the mouse control pros at American Pest Solutions today!
