American Pest Solutions is proud and honored to announce that our family-owned and locally operated pest control company has been awarded a statewide contract for integrated pest management. You may be thinking that sounds great, but what exactly does that mean? Well, simply put, it means that American Pest Solutions has been chosen to provide superior services to state institutions in area regions across Western Massachusetts.
All of our employees believe in American Pest Solutions’ mission and we have all worked together to create a great company that is devoted to all of its customers. Our company president, Robert Russell, sums it up best when he says, "Our ability to join the ranks of businesses that meet the Commonwealth's precise criteria for pest management is an honor and great achievement for all of our employees whom have been dedicated to customer service excellence."
American Pest Solutions has been protecting residential and commercial properties for over 100 years against dangerous and damaging pests. Our longevity in the pest control industry has allowed us to become industry leaders and to continuously develop and improve upon all of our comprehensive pest control services.
American Pest Solutions wants to ensure all of our current customers that we are still going to be operating business as usual. We will be increasing our staff to ensure that we can keep providing quality pest control services to our existing loyal customers; while exceeding everyone’s expectations in regards to this new statewide contract. This new statewide contract will be effective until March 31st of 2018, at which time it will be reviewed.
American Pest Solutions chairman (and proud father), James Russell, believes (with good reasons) that American Pest Solutions may not have been awarded this prestigious contract if not for the leadership of company president Robert Russell. "My son, Robert, has grown our business substantially over the years and achieved new levels of professionalism and expertise in pest management solutions that has contributed to winning this prestigious State contract." And everyone at American Pest Solutions could not agree more!
For more information about any of the services that American Pest Solutions provides to residential or commercial customers in western Massachusetts and Hartford County, CT, contact us today!

Special Announcement From American Pest Solutions

American Pest Solutions