The Perfect Job Awaits

Join the American Pest Solutions team today.

Take a moment and imagine the perfect job. What comes to mind? Are you having a hard time thinking of one? If you are, you are like most of us. Choosing a job is a complicated decision because it relies upon a ton of information you either don't know or never spent enough time really thinking about. Even when we spend hours and hours soul searching, most of us don't really know what we are "wired" to do, and if you're one of the lucky ones who do, it can be a daunting task figuring out what types of jobs are suited to meet your particular talents and interests. What are you interested in? What matters to you? We'd like to tell you about one common interest we all share at American Pest Solutions that we think make each and every job here the perfect job.

We love helping people.

We think being in pest control is definitely rewarding. Every day we are on the job, people are being protected from dangerous stinging and biting pests, homes are being protected from devastating termite damage, and families are being protected from the illnesses and diseases pests can spread.

  • A family that has a son who is deathly allergic to bee or wasp stings knows they can count on our services to inspect for and remove nests around the house and keep yellow jackets from creating nests inside holes in the yard. That is good news for that little boy and anyone who has to mow the grass.
  • The mother who is at the end of her rope because of frequent trips to the hospital to have her daughter's asthma checked out can find relief when our team connects the dots she has not been able to connect for years--that the cockroach infestation she's been dealing with is directly connected to her daughter's health problems.
  • The family that has been dealing with horrible flu-like issues can learn that the mice in their home were secretly making them ill and have those mice completely sealed out.
  • A couple buying their first new house in which to raise their brand new baby girl can know that it has all the protection it needs to keep termites from silently eating away at it for years and surprising them with a repair bill in 6 years that forces them to lose their home.

No matter what career you choose at American Pest Solutions, you can know that your job is important to the families we protect and the communities we serve in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Find out what job listings are available in your area and get connected. If you love helping people, we have the perfect job for you.
