Winter Mice In Hartford

Mouse pokes head out of a snow patch.

When did snowstorms start getting names? Well, this storm that just grazed us was given a name: Winter Storm Jonas. Why? Well, because it brought destructive levels of snow to several cities, including our nation's capital. Fortunately, we dodged the bullet this time; but that isn't necessarily a good thing, especially when it relates to mice.

It is certainly a good thing that we didn't get hit with the full force of Winter Storm Jonas. After all, no one likes having to get out the ladder and clean the roof off so that it doesn't collapse. However, all that fluffy snow can serve a good purpose. A yard full of snow makes it harder for mice and other wildlife to get to your exterior walls - at least until it gets a nice hard, icy covering. Plain and simply put, a lack of snow cover means easy access for pests.

Really? Mice run around in winter?

Yes. Mice do not hibernate. And, although they do "squirrel" away some foods to get them through, they still do quite a bit of foraging during winter months. This will bring them to your exterior walls and inside your wall voids if they find a vulnerable spot. Living in your home is preferable to living in a log or a cold hole, and most mice will quickly realize this if they find a way in.

However, for many of the mice in Hartford how much snow we have on the ground is irrelevant. They don't live in nature. They've already found a man-made structure to tuck themselves away in. They may have even tucked themselves away in YOUR man-made structure. But, there is something you can do about it.

While the snow cover is still low, you can make your home less inviting and possibly drive those mice to choose another home to live in. Sure, they may stay simply because your home provides a warm place to be, but mice are driven to live near a food source. If your home doesn't provide one, they may brave the cold to find one that does. Here are some things you can do:

  • Put all stored food products that are in bags or cardboard inside hard plastic, sealable containers.
  • Keep things exceptionally clean in your kitchen and pantry, even under the toaster.
  • Put pet food down only during meals.

Winter mice will be active all winter long. If mice have made your home their home, it is a good idea to have a professional take care of the problem. A winter mice infestation can lead to flu-like illness that is often mistaken for the flu or the common cold. Keep your family healthy and safe this winter with the pros at American Pest Solutions. Don't let winter mice have free run of your Hartford home. Give us a call today!
