Where Do Cluster Flies Come From?

cluster fly

If you are seeing slow-moving flies migrating in groups around your windows, you may be wondering what they are and where they are coming from. These flies, which are a bit larger than regular house flies, are called cluster flies, and they actually come from earthworms living in the ground. Flies that develop inside worms? Yes. Sounds strange, doesn't it? It's true. And the larvae of these flies develop in cocoons before hatching into adult flies.

Adult cluster flies are a dull-gray with black markings, and they have golden-yellow hairs on their thorax, which gives them the appearance of a golden sheen. These hairs are more numerous on the underside of their thorax between and near their legs.

OK. So all this is interesting. But how do the flies end up inside earthworms?

This is a good question and we're glad you asked. See, the eggs are deposited on the soil and the larva, or maggots, burrow into earthworms on which they feed. Sounds pretty gross, doesn't it? The maggots are cream colored, and are an elongated wedge shape. These maggots closely resemble other maggots that are commonly found on decaying carrion.

Do these pests cause damage?

Although cluster flies are mostly just a nuisance pest, occasionally they will leave dark colored spots of excrement on windows or walls, but they are not known to carry any diseases of medical importance to humans.

Why are cluster flies called cluster flies?

These flies are called cluster flies because of their behavior. They tend to cluster together in groups, gathering in large numbers on windows or walls. You may also notice that they tend to "cluster" on the sunny sides of homes. This is because they are attracted to warmth. While this may not be much of a problem while the weather stays warm, it can become a problem later in the season when temperatures begin to drop. If your home is not sealed up tight against pests, cluster flies and a whole host of other insects, rodents, or wildlife, will be trying to get in out of the cold.

What can I do to keep cluster flies and other pests out?

There are several steps you can take to try to prevent pests from getting into your Hartford home. You can examine the outside of your home and seal up any gaps or cracks you find. You can remove all standing water from around your home, where pests like to breed; and you can thoroughly clean your home from top to bottom, paying special attention to places that food particles gather, since pests tend to stay where there is a food source. But, if you want to be absolutely sure that pests stay outside where they belong, it is time to think about getting professional pest control services.

Here at American Pest Solutions, we can do all the hard work for you to keep cluster flies, and any other common household pest, outside where they belong. Reach out to us today for home and commercial pest control services. Life is just better without pests.
