National Pest Management Month

homeowner cleaning his gutter in the spring

Each April, we can usually count on many things to be true. The warm temperatures of spring finally seem to be permanent and baseball season is in full swing. We can also count on the fact that winter has likely left a mountain of yard work and spring cleaning that needs to be done before we can fully enjoy what is shaping up to be a beautiful spring. And finally, we know that April is also National Pest Management Month.

For over thirty years, the National Pest Management Association has designated April as National Pest Management Month as a way to serve as a reminder that the pests that were dormant all winter long are now active and can put your home and your family at risk. Common pests such as termites, ants, wildlife, and rodents are on the move looking for new nesting spots or easy access to a good meal, something that most homes across the country provide quite easily. It is also the time when ticks and mosquitoes are coming out as well. Ticks and mosquitoes are not just annoying outdoor pests, they can pose a serious threat to your family as they simply walk across the yard.

During the month of April, the National Pest Management Association recommends that all homeowners include several prevention procedures while they are working on cleaning up the yard and sprucing up the home this spring. These tips can go a long way in helping to prevent pests from making your home their home as well as helping to reduce their populations in your yard.

First, while cleaning up the yard, make sure that all the debris piles do not get left behind. Pick them up and discard these piles of twigs and leaves. Take the time to trim back any branches or brush that is too close to the side of your home. Make sure that any trash containers outside are regularly cleaned and that they are tightly sealed. Also, make sure that you do not leave them close to your house. While looking over your handy-work, make sure that you have emptied any standing water from empty pots, yard décor, or rain gutters. Mosquitoes need very little to breed in and other pests and wildlife can be attracted to your yard by the prospect of a drink. Finally, make sure that all screens and tiny cracks around windows and doors are sealed properly.

Pay attention to what is going on inside your home as well. With a busy family, it can be difficult to get everything done, but make it a habit to make sure that the kitchen is cleaned up every day. Sweep floors, wipe down counters and make sure that dirty dishes are not left out. Keeping all food in sealed containers and making sure that any pet food is put away after they are finished eating can help keep pests such as ants, roaches, and rodents from being attracted to your home.

These are just a few ways that you can help keep the pest population on your property down; but unfortunately, nothing is fool-proof. Any home can still end up with any number of pests making themselves at home. National Pest Management Month is a perfect reminder to be on the lookout for any pest activity in or near your home. If you find that you do have problem pests, give us a call at American Pest Solutions. We can find the source of your pest problem and eliminate it leaving you to enjoy the warmer months in peace.
