How Do Fleas Get Inside New England Homes?

A close up image of a flea on the skin

No one loves the idea of a flea infestation, but most people without pets assume that they’re in the clear. As much as we’d like to agree with you, we have to, unfortunately, tell you that this is not the case. Fleas are able to invade a pet-free home just as easily as one with pets.

How do fleas get into your house? Their main method of transportation is by hitching rides on animals, so if you do have a dog or cat, they can certainly bring them into your home. However, fleas also can travel into your yard on wild animals, hop off, then jump onto your clothes or shoes, and enter your house on you.

Once inside, certain factors increase their chance of survival and reproduction efforts:

  • They must have a food source, which can be your pets or your family members. If you have fleas in your home, probably one of the first things that will clue you into the fact that they’re there are the bites you’ll discover, most likely on your legs and ankles. You may also notice your pet scratching more than normal.
  • You don’t wash pet beds or your blankets and sheets very often. These areas are typical spots for fleas to lay eggs. If they aren’t washed regularly, the eggs will have the chance to hatch and the fleas will be able to continue to grow.
  • You don’t vacuum regularly. Fleas can often be found in carpeting. Vacuuming frequently will not remove all eggs and larvae, but it will certainly help decrease the number of fleas in your home.

Although a flea infestation might seem like only a nuisance, there are reasons beyond annoyance that you’ll want to get rid of any fleas that enter your home.

The bites alone are enough to want to rid your house of them, but those bites become even more of a problem if you have an allergic reaction to them. It is also possible to scratch them raw, leaving those areas open to infection.

The biggest problem with fleas, however, is much more serious than a bug bite. Fleas are considered “in-between” hosts for tapeworms. Flea larvae can consume tapeworm segments, which then allows tapeworm eggs to grow inside the fleas. If you or your pet accidentally ingests those fleas, tapeworms can then grow inside your intestines.

To prevent fleas, it’s important to follow the tips indicated above: frequent washings of bedding, including pet bedding, and frequent vacuuming, as well as making sure your pets remain up-to-date on a veterinarian-approved flea-prevention treatment. However, if you still find that fleas have made their way into your home, a professional pest control company like American Pest Solutions will not only remove the remaining fleas you may have missed but will also ensure that all flea eggs and larvae are gone as well.

Don’t leave your family open to the potential harm of a flea infestation. Bring in the experts from American Pest Solutions for guaranteed flea control. You won’t be sorry.
