Why Now Is The Time For Termite Prevention In Hartford

a swarm of termites chewing tunnels through a wooden structure on a hartford property

Now is the time for termite prevention in Hartford. May is peak activity time for termites in New England and prevention is paramount. Termites are one of the most destructive tiny pests, as they can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your home if allowed to go unchecked.

Unfortunately, most homeowners insurance doesn’t cover damage done by termites, so you are on your own to pay for the repairs. Therefore, upfront prevention utilizing American Pest Solutions termite control is the best for homes in this area.

How destructive are termites?

Some statistics say that termites cause around five billion dollars in damage in the United States each year. Millions of homes and businesses will become infested with termites; every part of New England is at risk, including Hartford, Connecticut. The problem with termite infestation is that it often goes unnoticed, until the damage is so great that it begins to cause structural issues. Termites won’t go away on their own, and the colony will continue to grow; the more termites there are, the more damage they will do.

Why is May a peak activity time for termites in New England?

Termites follow a predictable pattern of reproduction and colonization. After the first warm rain of the spring, swarmer termites will fly away from the colony and look for a mate. These swarmers will establish a new colony at the first suitable location they find, and their wings will drop off as they begin working on the colony. In Hartford, we usually get our first warm, rainy days in early Spring. In late March or early April, the swarmers will have set off, and by May, they will have begun to establish a new colony. If they have settled in your home, the damage may be well underway.

How does termite protection from American Pest Solutions work?

At American Pest Solutions our technicians use the Advance® Termite Bait System. This system works around the clock to prevent termite infestations in your home. When termites ingest the bait, it inhibits their growth by preventing them from molting. They also spread the active ingredient to the rest of the colony; this effectively kills the entire colony.

As summer approaches, now is the time to protect your Hartford home from termites. To help keep your home termite-free and save yourself from the nightmare of termite damage, contact American Pest Solutions today!
