Western Massachusetts' Complete Guide To The Dangerous House Mouse

A group of mice laying on the ground

The vast majority of pests in the animal kingdom are insectoid in form, whether they be true bugs or arachnids, yet one of the most prevalent creatures making a career out of invading human homes the world over is a mammal. The common house mouse is a small member of the rodent family, typically gray or black in color, though they are occasionally more of a light brown. Regardless of the shade of their fur, the fuzzy little beasties can be a huge problem to fix in your western Massachusetts home.

The Big Problems With Little Mice In West Massachusetts

For some, a mouse is a cute little pet the likes of a hamster or gerbil. For others, they are the food for a larger, more reptilian pet. In both of these cases, they are considered less than dangerous, if at all. These invasive mice, despite their big eyes and wiggly whiskers, are no innocuous intruders. For one thing, small rodents such as the common house mouse are incredibly quick reproducers. It only takes up to three weeks for a mother mouse to give birth, and less than two months for the pink pups to reach adulthood. As the old saying goes, it’s almost never just one little mouse.

These mice often prefer to keep away between the walls of human homes, building their nests, and avoiding direct contact with the homeowners. While they are hidden away, they are quite likely to come into contact with the house’s wiring, which they may chew through for sustenance or nesting material.  These intrusive mice are frequently carriers of diseases, such as the hantavirus, salmonellosis, and rat-bite fever, so if they venture beyond your walls for food or any other reason, be wary! On top of this health risk, the common house mouse may carry smaller pests like fleas that come with their own bevy of infections. Either way, your very well-being may be at stake! Call the experts at American Pest Solutions to inspect your home today!

How To Prevent An Invasion Of House Mice

Considering the huge underlying issues a single mouse in your west Massachusetts home can be responsible for, it is essential to take precautionary measures against them – especially if you have no indications of an existent infestation. Try implementing these tips to provide your home some level of protection against rodent attacks:

  • Cut back any bushes or plant life pushing up against your Massachusetts home’s walls or foundation. These serve as the perfect cover for traveling mice while also potentially covering up their tunnelways inside.
  • As rodents, one of the house mouse’s most defining features is its oversized, yet powerful incisors. These teeth are so strong and durable, in fact, that they can chew through plastic, dry wood, rubber, and more – even thinner metal mesh fibers.
  • Don’t be too nonchalant when seeking out nooks and crannies mice can use to squeeze into your home. Despite being among the largest pests in the world, they are nevertheless some of the most flexible. Their fuzzy, squishy bodies and small bones make it so they can squeeze through cracks under half their body size.
  • One of the two biggest draws for a house mouse to make a home of yours involves the alluring smells emitted by the food you may leave sitting about, intentionally or not. Limit the spread of food crumbs as much as possible, sweep the kitchen regularly, and place your pantries goods in airtight containers.
  • Mice get thirsty too! Keep moisture from collecting along the base of your west Massachusetts home by fixing leaks and diverting drainage pipes away from the grass and into appropriate troughs.

Without comparison, the best, most effective way to get rid of a mouse infestation is with help from a pest management professional. For house mouse prevention and treatment strategies you can trust, reach out to American Pest Solutions as soon as possible!
