How Did These Big Black Flies Get Into My Springfield Home?


If you’re worried about common pests in your Springfield home, one type of pest that you might forget to take into account are flies. Flies are very common, especially during the warmer months, and they are more than just a nuisance. Some species can spread diseases.

One type of flies you might start to notice are cluster flies. These flies are commonly referred to as attic flies, and they might just seem like any other type of big, black flies. Cluster flies tend to come in during winter and fall months, as they come inside in search of shelter from cold weather. But they are noticeable in warm months because they leave their hiding places to try to find their way outside. Here are some characteristics of cluster flies.

  • They are larger than the common housefly.
  • They tend to move at a sluggish pace.
  • They are a dark grey color but can appear black.
  • Their bodies are covered in short, golden hair.
  • They have wings that overlap when they are resting.

How Dangerous Are Cluster Flies?

Some files can be particularly dangerous as they carry and spread pathogens. Filth flies are especially known for this as they tend to hang out in places like garbage cans, sewers, and on carcasses where they pick up bacteria and then spread it to human food and food-preparation areas. Cluster flies aren’t as dangerous as filth flies and some other species, but they can still contaminate food sources. However, even if they are a low risk for transmitting diseases, cluster flies still can be frustrating to deal with because they can invade homes in large numbers. Perhaps this is one reason they are called cluster flies.

How To Prevent Cluster Flies

It is important to seal up entry points in your home before cold weather hits since this is the time of year these flies get inside. They can get inside around screens especially if they aren’t well-fitted. Once inside they hibernate in attics or inside wall voids. When they emerge, they move toward light sources. It is common to see these flies in groups near windows. Because they are so annoying to deal with, looking at prevention tips is a good place to start. Here are some tips for keeping cluster flies out:

  • Fill up cracks and crevice in walls and around doors and windows.
  • Repair damaged screens on doors and windows.
  • Install insect screens over vents.
  • Get professional help to spray for cluster flies before they come inside.

Removing Cluster Flies

If you’re dealing with cluster flies, you’re probably tired of having these obnoxious, swarming insects in your home. But the pest control professionals at American Pest Solutions are here to help. We can help with preventing cluster flies as well as removing them. Give us a call today to learn more.
