The Secret To Ridding Your Manchester Home Of Cluster Flies


To the layperson, all flies probably look alike, and the only thing that’s worth knowing about them is that they are gross and unwanted. However, different insects behave in different ways and cause different problems. When it comes to pest prevention, it’s important to know the differences so that you can not only spot pests but stop them from getting inside.

What Are Cluster Flies?

When people see annoying, buzzing flies, they don’t usually stop to take a closer look. But, again, different pests behave differently, and cluster flies have more ingenuity than other common household varieties. For one, they actively seek out homes to overwinter in, escaping the cold outdoors for warmer shelter where they can lay low until things thaw out. That’s why homeowners often start to notice more of these bugs around once days start getting warmer.

Cluster flies can be identified by the following traits:

  • Shape and size: Like other flies, these insects have large, radial eyes with numerous lenses. They are actually bigger than common house flies but typically are still smaller than 10mm in length.
  • Color: The biggest way cluster flies differ from house flies is in their coloration. Adult cluster flies have golden hairs running all over their abdomens.
  • Behavior: Cluster flies conserve energy better than other species, so they will often be seen acting more sluggish than regular house flies. They walk slowly and will not fly around as much.

The Problems Of An Infestation

Cluster flies don’t just differ from their cousins in appearance and behavior, they also pose different problems. While regular house flies are known carriers of diseases, since they root around in garbage and land on rotting matter, cluster flies aren’t known to harbor harmful germs or parasites. They also aren’t known to bite. However, this doesn’t mean cluster flies are harmless. They like to hide out in attics or wall panels, and their droppings can cause dark stains. Their hairy bodies also attract dust and particles, meaning their presence can worsen allergies or cause reactions in vulnerable people, like children and the elderly.

Cluster Fly Prevention

Knowing how to spot a pest and knowing how to keep them out are two different things. After all, if they never make it in, you don’t have to worry about identifying them. Take the following measures to keep bugs of all kinds out:

  • Routine cleaning: Spring cleaning is about more than reducing clutter, it’s about making sure that the messes that accumulate throughout the fall and winter don’t end up attracting pests. Make sure to deep clean the whole house, especially areas where food is served or prepared.
  • Seal access points: Being so small, bugs can squeeze into tight spots and the smallest crack or hole could be big enough for them to get into. Seal up problem areas on the exterior and interior of your home. Pay special attention to areas where wiring or plumbing enter the structure.
  • Garbage storage: Keeping garbage cans tightly sealed, as well as not letting bags sit indoors overnight, are good ways to make sure flies don’t have easy food access.

Don’t Be Afraid To Turn To Us For Help

Since they are masters at laying low during cold months, it can often be too late to eliminate an infestation of cluster flies by the time you notice the signs. Instead of worrying yourself, turn to the experts at American Pest Solutions for help. Our technicians will provide solutions that fit your home and budget, and we can work with homeowners on future prevention techniques.
