Springfield's Ultimate Guide To Pavement Ant Prevention

pavement ants on a driveway

When pests attack, the results are immediate -- unless you are being invaded by these tiny creatures. 
Pavement ants are perhaps best distinguished from other ant species by the reddish black spines along their thoraxes. No greater than 3 millimeters long at maturity, these dark brown insects boast thin, parallel lines that run from the tops of their heads to the ends of their abdomens. Light-colored appendages will be difficult to spot as the creatures scurry across their favorite driveways, sidewalks, and patios. 
The propensity to build nests in sidewalk gaps, along driveway cracks, and underneath patio bricks is what gave pavement ants their name. Although their small frames and mild mannerisms classify them as nuisance pests, these creatures have the ability to dramatically effect the properties they infest. Some of these effects include:

  • Food Contamination: Like other species of ants, pavement ants are capable of breaking into foods and raw cooking supplies when stored incorrectly. These ants can spread serious strains of bacteria, as well as viral diseases and even parasite eggs. Any food discovered to be tampered with or with ants inside should be immediately discarded and removed from the premises. 
  • Unsightly: Pavement ants multiply quickly, and they can create food trains as long as 30 feet in search of their next family meal. Even if pavement ants choose not to bite you, they won't make the best first impression with visiting friends or family members. 
  • Difficult To Exterminate: Pavement ants are hardy creatures and are resistant to many forms of pest control. When put under enough strain, these insects may decide to ‘bud,’ and move a colony to a new location only a few feet away.

Unless pavement ant infestations are nipped quite literally ‘in the bud,’ this hardy species of insect can quickly multiply and cause problems for home and business owners alike.

Pavement Ant Prevention Tips For Springfield Homes And Businesses

A springtime ant infestation might be on the minds of Springfield residents, but implementing some prevention tips now may prevent headaches later.

  • Reduce easy access to food by properly storing all edible goods and discarded waste in appropriately sealed containers. Remember to clean up any spills, crumbs, or smears that could be left over from your next barbecue or picnic, and sweep your kitchen floors often. 
  • Like all living things, pavement ants need moisture to survive. While there’s no way to remove all moisture from your home, start by running a dehumidifier in problem spaces, and fix any leaky pipes that could be creating water puddles. 
  • Pavement ants will scurry through even the smallest cracks that let them inside. Patch up all gaps and crevices around the home, making a point of caulking or sealing anything that could serve as a potential entry point.

Not sure your prevention methods did a good enough job? Call American Pest Solutions and schedule a home inspection that will verify your work and provide helpful tips for your personal pest protection.

Get American Pest Solutions For All Your American Pests

Pavement ants are nuisance pests that simply can’t be kept away by a single person. With overwhelming numbers, dangerous contamination potential, and possibly overwhelming numbers, handling a pest invasion of this magnitude will take far more than over-the-counter remedies or DIY tactics. 
For more advice on dealing with a pavement ant infestation, or to investigate the total ant control options that are right for you, contact the professionals at American Pest Solutions today.
