What To Do If You See Powder Post Beetles Around Your Hartford Home

A close up image of a powder post beetle

Ask any nutritionist, and they will tell you that having the right diet is essential for good health. This is true for humans as much as it is for pests. For powder-post beetles, a proper diet is just as necessary for their well-being as it is destructive to homes here in Hartford. If you have never heard of these wood-destroying pests, or are seeing them in large numbers around your property, we have some things you have to know. Here are some of the most common problems associated with powder post beetles, and a few tips for you to use to keep these pests off your property.

Powder Post Beetles: Habits, Diet, and Identification

Powder post beetles are an invasive species of beetle that lay their eggs in the cracks of wood. The larvae produced from these eggs are what damage homes. There is nothing that satisfies the hunger of powder post beetle larvae more than a good meal of wood. Inside homes, this type of behavior leaves unsightly holes and other serious damage that, when unaddressed, can cost a considerable amount of money to fix.
Powder post beetles are flat, long, and narrow-bodied insects. Reddish-brown to black, and ⅛” to ¼” in length, these nocturnal pests are second only to termites in the amount of damage they do to homes each year. Powder post beetle larvae look nothing like their adult form and appear more like cream-colored grubs.

Life Cycle Of Powder Post Beetles

Out in nature, a powder post beetle’s life span may be anywhere from three months to over a year. Inside homes, on the other hand, these pests take much longer to develop. This often raises their life expectancy to over three years and sometimes upwards of five. We should also mention that just because their development is slower inside homes, does not make these pests any less destructive.

Signs Of Infestation

Unlike termites which mainly infest water-damaged, rotting, or decaying wood, powder post beetles prefer hardwood. This is especially problematic, as hardwood is the main structural component in most modern homes. Small holes with frass (sawdust) around them are a good sign your home is dealing with a powder post beetle infestation. Given enough time, these holes may connect, forming more severe and noticeable damage.

How To Deter Powder Post Beetles From Your Home

Although not as destructive as termites, powder post beetles can be more difficult to prevent. If you are up for the task, here are some things to do around your Hartford property that will deter these wood-destroying pests from settling down.

  • Stain or paint wood around your home that has not been properly finished or is wearing out due to general wear and tear.
  • Do not use old reclaimed wood for home improvements.
  • Fix leaky pipes and fixtures in and around your home.
  • Make sure all of your gutters are in good working condition.
  • Use a dehumidifier indoors to keep moisture levels down.
  • Store untreated wood at least 30 feet from your home’s exterior.
  • Make sure your crawl spaces are adequately ventilated.

For a better answer to powder post beetle problems, get the professionals at American Pest Solutions involved. Our team has been efficiently controlling pests since 1913 and would be happy to put their experience to work around your home. We will make sure that no matter what pest you and your property are up against the job gets done right every time.

Reach out to one of our friendly pest control representatives today to schedule a visit for your Hartford property.
