How Pantry Moths Get Into Western Massachusetts Homes

Pantry Moth crawling on bread.

When you go to the store and buy a food box, you have a certain list of expectations. For one, you expect the food you buy to have the ingredients in it that the box details. You also expect it to be safe for consumption and do not contain extra elements that might be directly harmful to your health. Sadly, not every box of food people buy from the store meets these basic expectations. Some packaged items contain pantry moths, or at least their young. To help you better understand pantry moths and the many ways they get into Western Massachusetts homes, here are some things to consider.

What Pantry Moths Live In Western Massachusetts?

Western Massachusetts is home to a variety of pantry pests. However, in terms of pantry moths, there is only one that regularly gets into homes and causes trouble. These pests are called Indian meal moths. Identify this ⅝” long bug by the copper reddish color at the end of its wings and its elongated oval body. Indian meal moth grubs are ½” long, pink, brown, or greenish in color, and have five pairs of developed prolegs.

Why Pantry Moths Infest Food

You may not know this, but adult pantry moths do not consume the food they infest. These pests crawl into boxes or stored food products, lay their eggs, and then leave. This is especially concerning because eggs take a while to hatch. If pantry moths get into and lay their eggs inside a box of cereal at the store, you won’t know it is contaminated until you get home and either find "maggots" in your corn flakes or moths mysteriously appearing around your living areas.

Other Ways Pantry Moths Invade Homes

Infesting boxes of food is not the only way pantry moths find their way into homes. These pests live in nature and regularly fly around looking for places to lay their eggs. Sometimes this search leads this pest to the exterior of homes and from there inside. How likely your home is to be invaded all depends on how well-sealed its exterior is.

Are Pantry Moths Dangerous?

Pantry moths and their larvae are technically edible. But still, no one in their right mind wants to eat these bugs. It doesn’t matter that they are not dangerous and do not spread any dangerous diseases. If these pests crawl into a box of food, that box is as good as trash. Most people throw out their entire pantry after finding these gross bugs. We are here to help you save as much of your food as possible.

Five Prevention Tips For Pantry Moths

  • Checkboxes of food for damage before purchasing them.
  • Seal gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior foundation using a caulking gun.
  • Repair or replace window/door screens that are damaged.
  • Turn off exterior lights at night.
  • Store dried food inside large, air-tight containers.

How To Save Your Pantry From Pantry Moths

Does your home currently have a pantry Moth problem? If so, what is your plan to get and keep these pests out? Our recommendation is that you get the experts at American Pest Solutions involved. Our team has been handling invasive insects for years and has the advanced treatments and industrial-grade products needed to remove and control all forms of pantry pests in Western Massachusetts homes.

Reach out to us today to talk to one of our friendly home pest control representatives. They will walk you through your options and help you find a plan that best fits your home’s individual needs.
