Why Birds Are A Nuisance Around Connecticut Homes

A bird spreading its wings on a roof

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope, it’s a pest bird, one of the most notorious home invaders in the Connecticut area.

Pest birds include a host of interesting creatures, including pigeons, finches, seagulls, and more. These birds are such a common sight that most Connecticut locals fail to give them any attention. Some find their physical appearances cute or charming and watch or feed them occasionally while out and about.

Why Are Pest Birds Dangerous?

In an urban setting, however, pest birds become unbelievably destructive. Bird droppings make stairs and walkways slick, making it dangerous to walk from place to place. In addition, certain types of birds can carry serious illnesses, ranging from bird flu to salmonella. Birds carry other pests within their feathers, including fleas, ticks, and other tiny parasites. Interacting with pest birds is not recommended, especially not with the potential for illness, injury, and physical damage.

To combat pest birds with the highest possible quality of pest control, it is recommended that you rely on a prevention and mitigation system all year long. In this article, we will take an insider’s look at all the ways to prevent pest bird activity from around the Connecticut area.

All The Ways To Prevent Pest Birds Around Connecticut State

Pest birds are primarily attracted to homes with a large amount of food, water, and shelter at their disposal. Although there may be some additional reasons why these pests would choose your home over others, managing any attractant factors is a quick and easy way to eliminate excess activity.

Below are a quick few tips to discourage pest birds from nesting around your property:

  1. Reduce any places to nest around the house, particularly along the roof lines or eaves of the home. For additional protection, trim back long tree branches, large shrubs, or any other overgrown shrubs.
  2. Place some form of protection around vulnerable HVAC units and roof vents, taking care to inspect these areas at least once a month for unwanted bird activity.
  3. Refrain from feeding the birds at all costs, and hang signs instructing others not to scatter bread or seeds.
  4. Remove any birdbaths or birdhouses on your property that could be attracting additional bird vectors.
  5. Consider attracting natural predators to your property, including hawks and other predatory birds.
  6. Have your home inspected for additional pest activity, especially for things that could be acting as a pest bird food source. A professional pest management company such as American Pest Solutions is a great place to start. 

If you suspect that a pest bird infestation is happening around your property, don’t wait until it worsens—instead, partner with the professional bird control experts at American Pest Solutions.

American Pest Solutions Is Your Partner In Total Pest Bird Control

With 90 years of experience to our name, the professional bird control experts at American Pest Solutions have everything you need to mitigate infestations before they begin. By monitoring pests all season long, our technicians carry out a bird control system that works in three stages:

  • Initial pest bird inspection
  • Pest bird treatments and mitigation programs
  • Follow-up visits for our bird-free guarantee 

Contact American Pest Solutions right away to learn more about our pest bird control program.
