Western Massachusetts Homeowners’ Complete Earwig Control Guide


They’re creepy, they’re ugly, and… they’re actually a lot less harmful than people think. We’re talking about earwigs, which are some of the most misunderstood pests to invade Massachusetts homes. Learning what’s true and what’s exaggerated is helpful, but the most important thing is to understand how you can keep all pests from invading your home.

An Overview Of Earwigs

Because of their rear pincers and oily-looking bodies, people think that earwigs are nefarious pests that will crawl inside our ears and eat our brains. The reality is much less science fiction than this. In reality, earwigs are harmless insects. While they can use their pincers to pinch human skin, they rarely ever do and cannot break the skin. They eat plant materials and prefer to crawl around in moist soil, so they are predominantly outdoor pests that are often found in gardens. However, just like other pests, they can be attracted indoors seeking food, water, or shelter.

Not Dangerous, But Not Welcome

Just because a pest isn’t directly harmful doesn’t mean you want it around. Earwigs may be poorly named and not as dangerous as other insects, but they can still lead to other problems. The presence of one pest often leads to another, and earwigs being around your yard can attract spiders or wasps that are venomous and potentially dangerous. That’s why it’s important to realize what factors attract all kinds of pests, so you can address them around your property:

  • Food: Pests like earwigs are scavengers, not hunters. They will be attracted to decaying plant matter or even foodstuff that they can eat, especially sugary fruits or drinks.
  • Moisture: Pests not only look for water to drink, but they also look for moisture because of the causeways it opens in soils and woods. That includes water damage that can create entrances into properties.
  • Shelter: Not all pests can survive outdoors during particularly cold months, which drives them indoors at a greater frequency. This is why you must be prepared for seasonal pests long before the weather changes.

Interior & Exterior Prevention Tips

Now, addressing those factors isn’t as simple as just keeping your home clean. It takes concerted effort to address all the ways that pest infestations can start. That’s why everyone should seek the help of pest professionals. However, there are some steps all homeowners should take such as:

  • Crack sealing: Checking your exterior walls for cracks and holes is a good habit to get into for preventing pest infestations. No matter how small, make repairs wherever you find them.
  • Trash storage: Since foragers are attracted to aromas, food smells that come from your yard act as a sure attractant of pest populations. Make sure you don’t leave food out and that your trash bins are well-secured.
  • Yard debris: Piles of debris or decaying vegetation are another major attractant of pests. Make sure to clear out any debris quickly and keep plants trimmed low.

Turn To American Pest Solutions

Earwigs are just one kind of tiny pest that’s out there, looking for properties that provide them with all they need to survive. With so many tiny invaders, the only guaranteed protection comes from pest experts. At American Pest Solutions, our trained staff knows how to root out and address pests and the things that attract them. Not only can we help you clamp down on existing problems, but we can also make sure that future infestations. Professional guidance is better than turning to home-brewed solutions or pricey products that you have to apply on your own. That’s why the best course of action is to call the experts, even before you notice the signs of pest problems.

Let us get started today on total protection of your yard and home, contact American Pest Solutions.
