Answering The Most Commonly Asked Questions About Skunks In Hartford

Skunk in a yard.

Skunks are carnivorous mammals found in the U.S. primarily known for emitting a pungent liquid that deters potential threats. The two most common species include the striped skunk and spotted skunk. Striped skunks are the most prevalent species that have a body length of more than 20 inches, a tail that measures approximately eight inches, and weighs from two to twelve pounds. Striped skunks have a single white stripe extending from their head, which “splits” into two stripes that reach the tail.

Fossils suggest that skunks originated in Germany and that they are a form of wildlife with a long history of existence throughout North America, including Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.

Are skunks rodents? Skunks are a type of mammal that belongs to the Mephitidae family that people often mistakenly associate with rodents.
Mammals are vertebrates that have fur or hair, and the females give birth to live offspring and secrete milk.

The term Mephitidae originated from the Latin language’s term mephitis, which translates to “foul odor.” Skunks are much more closely related to weasels, a category that contains badgers, minks, ferrets, and other similar creatures. Rodents are a separate classification that includes creatures such as mice, rats, and squirrels.

Has an unwanted and potentially dangerous skunk invaded your property? A seasoned Hartford pest control expert has proficiency in nuisance wildlife removal and overall wildlife control services. Skunks may pose risks, and property owners are generally encouraged to contact a professional to remove these pests.

What's In Your Backyard? Are There Skunks?

Skunks are predominately nocturnal pests that might go unnoticed during the daylight hours. Although not hibernators, skunks are somewhat inactive during the winter, and you will most commonly see them during the warmer periods. Skunks typically breed sometime between February and April, and the females deliver a litter of offspring off four to seven “kits” that reside in a small den.

In nature, skunks will seek environments with significant vegetation that allows access to sources of food and water. They live below ground in crevices that offer some shelter, such as below rocks, firewood piles, decks, or structural foundations. Skunks often create noticeable damage within lawns, gardens, and landscaped areas using their claws.

The glands of a skunk generate their foul-smelling spray that could damage the eyes of humans or pets if there is direct exposure. Skunks also might carry rabies and likely have contact with harmful parasites.

Skunks will consume a variety of foods according to availability and seasonal changes. Some of the most commonly consumed items include small rodents and birds, eggs, frogs, insects, nuts, and seeds. When food is more limited, skunks will eat plants and may invade exterior garbage areas near homes.

Do Skunks Like Their Own Smell?

The majority of experts agree that skunks avoid spraying themselves but can better tolerate the odor than other species that have little or no exposure to the liquid. As with many animals, skunks possess a very keen sense of smell.

What To Do If You've Been Sprayed By A Skunk

Skunks sometimes spray humans and pets, which usually creates a reaction similar to encountering tear gas. The chemicals contained will cause watery eyes and nasal irritation. Some of the recommended steps include:

  • Be sure to take remedial action promptly.
  • Rinse the body well with soap and water.
  • Apply a mix of either white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide with baking and dishwashing liquid.
  • Shampoo formulated for oily hair often is effective at removing the smell from hair.

The spray from a skunk can result in significant irritation and discomfort. Avoid approaching these pests whenever possible and prevent dogs from confronting them.

Total Wildlife Control For Hartford Properties

The leading team with American Pest Solutions effectively performs wildlife removal in Hartford for numerous clients. We will deploy a technician to the property who will conduct a thorough inspection and explain the best available treatment options. Contact us today for a consultation.
