How To Keep Earwigs In Western Massachusetts Out Of Your Home

Ear wig crawling on flower.

Earwigs (Order Dermaptera) are insects with a thin body named from an old European mythical tale that these pests will climb inside the ears of a sleeping person. Earwigs represent no real danger to humans and generally avoid getting close; however, they have pincers (claws) that may generate feelings of fright. Earwigs are primarily nocturnal insects that exist in more than 20 different species throughout the U.S.

In outdoor yard areas, property owners might notice earwigs gathering beneath the debris, mulch, and other types of vegetation. If food sources become scarce or weather conditions abruptly worsen, earwigs may navigate their way inside homes in Western Massachusetts through small openings. Earwigs often reside near sources of water and may be encountered in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms when substantial moisture exists.

Sources of light commonly will attract earwigs, including those used for brightening entryways and on patios or decks. During the winter months, earwigs generally burrow into the ground, and the females will produce eggs as spring approaches. Earwig eggs appear as white or tan, have a rounded shape, and soon hatch and progress through a nymph phase as they transition into adulthood.

Are you noticing an excessive number of earwigs around or inside your home? Western Massachusetts pest controllers now have proven methods for earwig control and also understand how to keep earwigs away from the property.

What Does An Earwig Look Like?

Earwigs have an elongated body type that ranges from ¼ of an inch to one inch and has six legs. Earwigs appear in colors of light or dark brown, have antennae, and have two pairs of wings. Most earwigs are poor fliers that can only elevate in short bursts. Both males and females have pincers used to secure prey and defend themselves, with males usually having a more-rounded pair.

What Do Earwigs Eat?

Earwigs will eat a wide variety of things, including insects, small arthropods, leaves, and flowers. Some species of earwigs may pose problems for those growing crops or gardens by eating the developing seedlings.

Five Helpful Tips To Keep Earwigs Away

Taking proactive steps to prevent an earwig infestation will generally yield positive results. Consider some of the following best practices:

  1. Seal any cracks along the exterior of the structure with caulk or sealant that could allow access indoors.
  2. Fill vents and other external openings with a durable mesh or wool.
  3. Remove firewood piles and other types of unnecessary clutter or debris from areas adjacent to the structure.
  4. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed and avoid overwatering them.
  5. Prevent excess moisture by cleaning the gutter system, promptly repairing leaky spigots or hoses, and ensuring that crawlspaces have proper ventilation.

Keep in mind that earwigs have a flattened body that allows them to hide in most cracks or crevices both indoors and outdoors.

How To Keep Earwigs Out Of Your Home For Good?

The experienced service technicians with American Pest Solutions have completed training that addresses what causes earwigs and the best means of expelling these unwanted critters. Additionally, our team is committed to providing the highest-quality customer service in the pest control industry that ensures satisfaction. As a locally-owned organization, we recognize the importance of operating in a manner that protects the safety of our customers, their pets, and the physical environment that we share.

We have qualified staff members that will promptly respond to the premises and perform a detailed interior and exterior inspection. In many cases, we will detect existing property conditions that might make the structure susceptible to intrusions from other types of unwanted pests. Contact our office today to schedule an onsite assessment.
