Pest Spotlight: Carpet Beetles In Western Massachusetts

Carpet beetle on a pink surface

Carpet beetles are the bane of your winter coat’s existence. If you’re not careful about the way you store fabric goods, they might fall victim to carpet beetles and their larvae. But don’t panic, because American Pest Solutions is here to help. If you need pest control in Western Massachusetts, call American Pest Solutions today and we’ll take care of it.

What Do Carpet Beetles Look Like?

Carpet beetles are pretty small; usually less than 1/8 of an inch long. But they do have distinctive coloring. Carpet beetles can be brown, white, or black, usually with a mottled or spotted pattern. They have round bodies and six legs. You might also see carpet beetle larvae in your home, which are about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch long, brown, and covered in short hairs.

Are Carpet Beetles Dangerous?

Carpet beetles do not bite, so they are not dangerous to humans, but they can cause some serious damage to carpets, rugs, and stored items like winter clothing. Adult carpet beetles eat pollen, but they lay their eggs in soft materials like fabrics or even accumulations of pet hair. When carpet beetle eggs hatch, the larvae crawl through whatever material they’re in, eating what they can. Susceptible items include sweaters, coats, rugs, blankets, and soft decorative items. Fortunately, this rarely happens with items that are used regularly. However, since carpet beetle eggs are typically laid in the spring and summer, they are often found in items that have been stored away for the season.  

One concern that does apply to humans is an allergic reaction or rash caused by carpet beetles. This is caused by the larvae’s hair and skin. These aren’t typically severe reactions, and treating the infestation should solve the problem at the source.

Six Tips To Keep Carpet Beetles Away For Good

Even though infestations can be hard to get rid of, you can prevent them by taking a few precautions around your house:

  1. Launder or dry clean items before putting them in storage. If you’re planning on storing items for long periods of time, make sure they’re clean first! This includes winter clothing, blankets, rugs, and other fabrics. A thorough cleaning will get rid of any eggs or larvae already there.
  2. Pack stored items into close-fitting, air-tight containers. The best way to prevent a carpet beetle infestation is to keep them from laying eggs in your belongings. When you put away susceptible items, make sure they’re totally sealed away. That way, carpet beetles have no way to use your stuff as a nest.
  3. Seal or block as many potential entrances as possible. Carpet beetles often enter homes in the spring or summer from outside, so it’s important that you limit the ways into your home. Seal cracks, close gaps, and make sure windows have securely fastened screens.
  4. Set out sticky traps. Sticky traps are a somewhat effective way to catch beetles that enter your home, hopefully, before they lay eggs for the season. Place them near where you suspect the source of the infestation is so you can catch as many bugs as possible.
  5. Clean crumbs, lint, and dust frequently to eliminate breeding sites. If carpet beetles can’t get to your stored items, they might lay their eggs elsewhere, like in clumps of lint or fur. It’s important to eliminate every possible breeding location
  6. Move your furniture occasionally to expose more potential breeding sites. This doesn’t mean you have to rearrange your house every week; just move the furniture a little every once in a while so you can be sure there are no carpet beetles making a home under your couch.

The steps you take at home can go a long way toward treating and preventing carpet beetle infestations. But when your best just isn’t enough, it’s time to call in a professional.

The Best Way To Completely Get Rid Of A Carpet Beetle Infestation

When you have a full-blown carpet beetle infestation and preventive measures just aren’t cutting it, you need the help of a professional pest control company. American Pest Solutions has your back, no matter what. After a thorough inspection, we’ll work with you to figure out the best carpet beetle treatment options that will get rid of the carpet beetles for good. Our top priority is always to keep you and your family safe, and your home pest-free. Call today so you can be snug as a bug in a rug in your beetle-free home. 
