Help! There Are So Many Flies In My Western Massachusetts Home

House fly on a wooden surface.

Flies are categorized in the order Diptera, with various other types of insects. The vast majority of flies have a single pair of wings and maintain their balance using their halteres, which are located on their back. It is estimated that more than 100,000 different species of flies exist. Although they are usually considered to be unwanted pests, flies can benefit the environment through pollination, and some types help control the population of caterpillars, grubs, and other undesirable creatures.

The life cycle of a fly includes phases as eggs, larvae, and pupae before finally reaching adulthood. During the pupal stage, these creatures are commonly called maggots. Many of the common female house flies will lay dozens of eggs at a time, a process that they can repeat several times throughout their life. Flies have a rather short life span that is unlikely to exceed one month.

There are a host of different types of flies that might be found inside of a home in this region, such as carrot rust flies, fruit flies, “common house” flies, cluster flies, and several others.

Many people attempt to determine how to catch house flies and try other methods of eliminating them; however, most of these efforts are unsuccessful, and consulting with a pest control professional is recommended.

What Causes Fly Infestations In Western Massachusetts Homes?

Where are flies coming from that are entering my home and creating infestations? There are a host of reasons that types of flies will enter homes. In many cases, a home’s exterior property conditions will initially attract these pests. Common examples include access to food scraps in garbage cans, dead animals or animal feces in yard areas, picnics and barbeques, and many more. Once flies are near the exterior of a structure, they are much more likely to find their way indoors.

How Dangerous Is It To Have Flies In My Western Massachusetts Home?

Most kinds of flies are known for potentially contaminating food and surfaces. Some of the harmful conditions associated with flies include meningitis, food poisoning, salmonellosis, E.coli, and many others. Horseflies are one of the types that are equipped to bite humans; however, most types cannot. Flies are also believed to contaminate or destroy billions of dollars in products involved in agriculture each year.

Effective Fly Prevention Tips For Western Massachusetts Homes

Some property owners attempt to strike and kill flies using hands, newspapers, or other objects. Many of these efforts fail because these pests are able to dodge objects in a fraction of one second. Some of the best strategies for preventing flies include:

  • Ensure that all garbage cans containing food scraps have a functional lid.
  • Thoroughly rinse and sanitize sinks, drains, and garbage disposals.
  • Regularly remove pet waste and fallen fruit from yard areas.
  • Avoid using bright exterior lighting near entryways or consider switching to the yellowish LED bulbs that are less attractive to insects.
  • A professional pest controller knows about the various kinds of flies and how to catch house flies and will determine where are flies coming from that are creating problems for you.

Total Fly Control For Western Massachusetts Homes

Did you know that a team of licensed professionals with American Pest Solutions has been eliminating concerns associated with flies, ants, rodents, and many other unwanted and potentially dangerous pests for more than 100 years? As a locally-owned company, we remain committed to the safety of our customers, their pets, and the environment. We will deploy a seasoned technician to your home to conduct a detailed interior and exterior assessment of the premises to determine the nature and extent of the problem.

Contact our office today to schedule an estimate.
