Are House Spiders In My Western Massachusetts Home Dangerous?

A spider crawling on the floor

Spiders aren’t exactly cute and cuddly. Just the sight of one of these web-slinging arachnids is enough to send most folks running, or at least reaching for a rolled-up magazine to whack it with. But are the eight-legged pests in your house really that bad? Just how dangerous are the spiders in your Western Massachusetts home?

About Common House Spiders

Some pests really live up to their name, few more so than the common house spider. These spiders are commonly found in houses and the surrounding outbuildings like sheds, garages, and barns. They tend to be on the smaller side, usually around 3/16 of an inch long, though they are known to grow larger. Common house spiders vary in coloration but are typically some combination of yellowish-brown with a dark striped pattern on the abdomen and dark bands on the legs.

Almost all spiders are venomous to some degree, but very few are venomous enough to put your life in danger. With a few notable exceptions, the vast majority of spiders that you encounter in and around the home are practically harmless. Even if a spider bites you, reactions are generally no worse than an average bee sting. Common house spiders are hardly ever known to bite and are not venomous enough to be dangerous to humans.

Where Do Spiders Like To Hide?

Most spiders like to keep a low profile. They prefer to build their webs in out-of-reach areas where predators and people can’t reach. Closets, cupboards, furniture, and high corners of ceilings are all typical spots for spider webs. Spiders are also fond of using clutter for cover and may hide among clothing, toys, books, or other miscellaneous junk, especially when left unattended in basements and attics.

Common house spiders like to build their webs near windows and lights that attract the pests they prey on. They can be found in basements and attics in the home, but are also frequently found in sheds and garages. Common house spiders are known to make a mess, quickly building and abandoning webs until they settle on a perfect location.

If you’re noticing more spiders than usual lately, you’ve probably always had them. They’ve simply outgrown their original habitat. An increase in the population of prey insects around the home could also bring spiders out of hiding.

Easy Ways To Prevent Spiders

Spiders aren’t necessarily the most dangerous or destructive pest to have in your Western Massachusetts home, but they aren’t welcome guests, either. By following a few easy tips, you can help to reduce the presence of spiders on your property. 

  • Reduce prey insects. Clean countertops and floors to eliminate food waste that attracts pests that spiders prey on. Keep pantry items stored in sturdy containers with locking lids. Take out the trash on a regular basis.
  • Address moisture issues. Seal any dripping pipes or faucets around the home. Ventilate basement areas by opening windows and running electric fans, or try installing a dehumidifier.
  • Clear webs away. Carefully use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to remove any spider webs you see. Dispose of the vacuum bag, or empty the canister after use.
  • Close entry points. Inspect the exterior of your home for any cracks or gaps and seal with silicone caulk. Replace damaged door sweeps and weather stripping. Repair tears in screens.

For relief from spiders and the pests they eat, trust your friends at American Pest Solutions to help. Our residential pest control plans offer robust protection from a variety of home-infesting pests, so you can say goodbye to those eight-legged intruders once and for all. Contact us today to learn more.
