Can Mice In Western Massachusetts Make My Cat Sick?

A mice hiding under a chair surrounded by dust

Without seeing a mouse scurry across the floor, you might not even know they are cohabiting in your Western Massachusetts house. You may suspect you have a problem if you're seeing mouse droppings or hearing noises in the wall at night, but it's challenging to be sure without the help of Western Massachusetts pest control professionals. Mice are not only one of the most annoying pests, but they can also be very dangerous. 

If I See One Mouse in My Home, Does That Mean There Are More?

One mouse can quickly turn into two and then four; before you know it, you'll have a full-blown infestation. One live mouse can also mean many more that you haven't found yet. While there are many different types of mice in Western Massachusetts, it's vital to remain aware of these pests before they take over your home. One common type of mouse you can find is the house mouse or a deer mouse. Their coat and size easily distinguish them. House mice typically have gray coats and are smaller, while deer mice have brownish-cream-colored fur and big eyes.

The Health Hazards Mice Can Bring to Your House

Mice are one of the most dangerous pests because you don't need direct contact with them in order to transfer pathogens or dangerous diseases. One of the main problems faced by having a mouse in the house is food contamination with urine and feces. Yes, if they bite you or you touch them, you can be exposed, but more commonly, you become exposed through saliva, droppings, and urine. 

If you think that you have a mouse in your home, you may be coming into contact with infections and bacteria, such as:

  • Hantavirus
  • Leptospirosis
  • Tularemia
  • Salmonellosis
  •  Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Additionally, mice can trigger allergies and asthma attacks if you come into contact with their rub marks, urine, droppings, or saliva. 

Because of the risk of disease, it's important to do everything possible to keep mice away. Mice also gnaw on wood, paper, cloth, and books causing damage to your home and personal belongings. Mice also destroy insulation with nests, urine, and feces. They may also damage electrical, T.V., and computer network wiring.

Are Mice Dangerous for House Cats?

Mice can cause severe issues for house cats, exposing them to parasites and harmful diseases. Some diseases house cats can contract from mice include hantavirus, leptospirosis, and the plague. Mice can also transmit roundworms, an internal parasite that can cause diarrhea, weight loss, and vomiting in cats. 

Cats can also get ticks and fleas from rodents living in the home and can spread these parasites to you, transmitting even more diseases such as Lyme disease. 

If you have rodents in your home, taking precautions in your pest control efforts is essential for the safety of yourself and your cat. It's advised to leave this up to a pest control professional to ensure you have a pet-friendly approach to eliminating the infestation. 

How Do I Get Rid of Mice for Good in Western Massachusetts?

At American Pest Solutions, we know what makes the best pest control for mice, and we can use this knowledge and our experience to keep your home safe and better protected from pests in the future. American Pest Solutions will inspect your home and determine the hotspots and where the mice are, and from there, we will put forward a customized rodent control plan that best works for your home and unique pest situation. This is how we keep you and your home safe and protected!
