What To Do If You Find A Tick On You In Hartford

A tick on top of an animal's fur

Connecting with nature refreshes the soul. Walking on a trail in the woods, playing catch with your dog in an open field, or just working in the yard rejuvenates your spirit. The last thing you want to discover upon returning from your outdoor retreat is ticks on your body. Seeing a tick stuck in your skin is upsetting and instantly removes the soul-cleansing moment you recently experienced. 

If you find ticks on your clothing or body after a stroll outdoors on your property, you need the Hartford pest control team from American Pest Solutions. We have been stopping pests from infesting properties for over twenty years using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and, when necessary, EPA-approved pest control treatments. Our professionals know how to keep ticks from overwhelming your Hartford property. 

What Does A Tick Bite Look Like?

Tick bites appear similar to wounds caused by spiders, bed bugs, and mosquitoes, but they differ in many ways. First, the tick or its head may be in the skin. Spiders, mosquitoes, and bed bugs do not bury their heads in the skin. It is a tick if its head is in your skin. 

Bites from spiders, ants, and other insects contain pus, but tick bites do not have any fluid. Some insects, like bed bugs, bite in patterns, but ticks will bite only once. Tick bites do not cause swelling like a spider bite and do not have the same level of redness as a mosquito bite. 

Three Ways To Identify A Tick Bite

You can identify tick bites in Hartford by looking at the following:

  1. Location: Ticks attack the warmest parts of the body: the armpits, between the legs, behind the knees, buttocks, and around the waist. Although we don't think of the head as a warm part of the body, it is another place that ticks bite. 
  2. Bump: Within one to three days, a small hump or plaque may form at the bite site. 
  3. Skin Change: Tick bites cause changes in skin color, minor swelling, and occasionally a rash at the bite site. 

Do All Ticks Carry Diseases?

When you get a tick bite, it does not mean you automatically have a disease. Different types of ticks in Hartford are the deer (black-legged), American dog, and lone star tick. 

The American dog tick can carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever which causes chills, muscle aches, high fever, and headaches. Fortunately, antibiotics are effective against this disease. If you develop these symptoms within two to four days of being bitten, immediately seek medical help. 

The lone star tick may transmit the following: ehrlichiosis, tularemia, Heartland virus, Bourbon virus, and southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI). Deer ticks can be vectors for the same diseases as a lone star tick plus: anaplasmosis, B. miyamotoi, babesiosis, and Powassan virus. Symptoms of these infections are similar to Rocky Mountain spotted fever; seek medical attention if they appear within a few days of the tick bite.

Of the three ticks in the Las Vegas area, the only tick species that transmits Lyme disease is the deer or black-legged tick. A tick bite ring resembling a bullseye around the wound indicates Lyme disease. Symptoms of Lyme disease are similar to the other infections with the addition of the bullseye rash. Lyme disease can progress to the nervous system and heart; seek medical attention immediately. 

Tick Control In Hartford Made Easy

If you are looking for a tick control company in Hartford, look no further! Our experienced experts at American Pest Solutions know where ticks hide in Las Vegas properties. Using our exclusive 20-point checklist, we treat all areas with environmentally safe and approved treatments. Contact us today and request a free quote. 
