Help! I Got Sprayed By A Skunk In Western Massachusetts

Skunk in a yard.

The good news about skunks is that they’re peaceful creatures that don’t seek to cause any trouble. But the bad news is they can still spray you with their tear gas, noxious-smelling substance if they feel frightened. If you happen to run into one, take their raised tail, stomping of feet, and rear-facing backside as a warning to get out of there!

At American Pest Solutions, we know that a skunk encounter around your house is no laughing matter. We pride ourselves on delivering the most effective pest control in Western Massachusetts to safely get rid of skunks on your property.

What's In Your Backyard? Are There Skunks?

Nothing triggers the fear of skunks more than seeing them in your backyard. There is no way to comfortably enjoy your outdoor spaces when the threat of being sprayed with such a malodorous substance is looming. Here are some tips to help shoo them away without getting too close to becoming their next target:

  • Install a motion-activated sprinkler
  • Scatter skunk-repellent particles around the yard
  • Turn on bright outdoor lights at night
  • Remove all food sources, like fallen fruit
  • Make sure your trash cans are secure with tight-fitting lids

You can also go the extra mile and build an electric fence around the perimeter of your property. Remember, there are real risks when dealing with wild animals. Therefore, contact your local pest management professional for the proper removal of all types of skunks.

Do Skunks Like Their Own Smell?

If you’ve ever experienced what skunk spray smells like, it’s an event you’d never want to repeat. That noxious stench is due to the high amounts of sulfur-based compounds known as thiols. People sprayed by a skunk have likened the acrid scent to rotten eggs, which is not a pleasant aroma.

But the real question is, do skunks actually like their smell? There seems to be a consensus among biology professionals that skunks have become accustomed to the odor. But these animals are still sensitive to the chemical irritants and will react in the same manner as humans when sprayed in the face, which is to try and get the chemical off. But at last check, no skunks have been willing to comment on the matter.

What To Do If You've Been Sprayed By A Skunk

If you happen to be among those unlucky individuals sprayed by a skunk, the first and most crucial step is to decontaminate as soon as possible. Doing so helps to break down the oily residue and neutralize it, allowing the odor to dissipate faster. Use this recipe:

  • One quart of 3% medical-grade hydrogen peroxide
  • One-fourth cup of baking soda
  • One teaspoon of a liquid dish detergent

Apply this mixture for five minutes immediately after mixing, and avoid getting it into your eyes or mouth. The hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the chemical compounds of the skunk spray, changing its structure so it doesn't smell. The dish detergent dissolves the oil, making it easy to wash away.

Total Wildlife Control For Western Massachusetts Properties

If there was ever a pest you should never attempt to remove on your own, it would be a skunk. The last thing you want is to be sprayed by this animal. The chemical compounds that a skunk spray consists of are similar to tear gas, both lachrymators that cause burning and tearing sensations in the eyes. That’s why it’s critical to contact professional pest control to remove skunks.

At American Pest Solutions, we have a long history of providing exceptional pest control services for our residents. Our seasoned technicians possess the knowledge, products, and up-to-date methods to remove different types of skunks from your property safely. We can develop a pest management program that suits your specific needs. Reach out to us today to request a free evaluation.
