The Easiest Way To Tick-Proof Your Western Massachusetts Yard

a tick crawling on human skin

Nobody wants to see ticks around their home. These annoying little creatures are not only a nuisance to deal with, but they can also be hazardous to your health. Luckily, there are certain steps that you can take to ensure that these dangerous arachnids don't hang around your yard this summer. 

At American Pest Solutions, we provide various types of pest control in Western Massachusetts. We have been in operation for over a century and have a full team of qualified and highly-trained pest control technicians that know how to keep your yard tick-free

How To Identify A Tick Bite

Ticks don't bite you in the same way that other bugs may bite. Instead, when a tick bites you, it is actually embedding its mouth parts into your skin. Once it is inside your skin, it will continue to drink your blood until it is either removed or it has eaten so much that it swells and falls off. 

After you have been bitten by a tick, you may notice that the bite shares some similarities to other bug bites. For example, the skin around the bit may be raised, red, and extremely itchy. However, there may be some other signs that can help to determine if you were bitten by a tick.

If you notice a black dot on top of the bite or notice that the bite has a hardened center, that is an indication that you were bitten by a tick. Also, if you notice a red ring or rash around the tick bite that resembles a bullseye, not only does that mean that you were bitten by a tick, but you should seek medical attention as soon as possible because it could be a sign of Lyme disease. The easiest way to identify a tick bite is to notice it while the tick is still embedded in your skin.

Tick Bites Can Be Very Dangerous

Ticks are commonly disregarded as harmless yet annoying creatures. And while it is true that they can be a nuisance, they are far from harmless. Many of the ticks in this area are capable of carrying and spreading a variety of illnesses and diseases.

Some of the dangerous diseases that you can catch from being bitten by a tick include:

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Borrelia miyamotoi disease
  • Powassan virus
  • Tularemia
  • Anaplasmosis

Ticks in Western Massachusetts can also cause problems for your pets as well. Because most dogs and cats tend to have long fur covering their bodies, ticks are able to stay attached to your pet longer and have a greater chance of spreading disease. If ticks drink too much blood, your pet could even become anemic. 

Natural Ways To Reduce Tick Populations Around Your Yard

Keeping ticks out of your yard is not as difficult as you may think. Some of the things that you can do to deter ticks around your Western Massachusetts home include:

  • Make sure to mow and trim your yard often to keep the grass cut short.
  • Trim any hedges and bushes back away from your home.
  • Put mulch or gravel around the perimeter of your yard or around playground areas.
  • Remove piles of leaves, fallen tree branches, and other organic debris from your yard to eliminate potential hiding spots.

While ticks like warm temperatures, they prefer to stay in shaded areas. If you have a lot of trees or overgrown areas in your yard, it could attract ticks to your property. 

Let The Professionals Tick-Proof Your Yard

Ticks can quickly take over your Western Massachusetts yard if you do not take action as soon as you notice them. At American Pest Solutions, we offer comprehensive tick control solutions that can help to keep you and your family safe all summer long. Give us a call today for a free quote and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Western Massachusetts.
