Bed Bugs 101: Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs In Western Massachusetts

Bed bug crawling on burlap.

When you start to notice the early signs of a bed bug problem, you may not want to believe what you are seeing. Bed bugs are tiny insects that bite you in your sleep and are just generally unsettling to have in your home.

Don’t just ignore the problem and hope it goes away on its own. It’s best to call in the experts in bed bug removal services at American Pest Solutions. We offer safe and effective pest control in Western Massachusetts, and we take pride in helping our customers with their concerns about pests like bed bugs.

Bed Bugs Infestations Are A Common Problem

Although bed bugs have a history that dates back at least 3,300 years, they recently became a significant problem again. As international travel grew significantly in the late 1990s, and as these pests began to develop resistance to past successful treatments, they became far more plentiful again.

Whether you spend time in a hotel, dorm room, hospital, transportation hub, or rental property, you could end up with bed bugs following you home. Because they are difficult to spot for homeowners, you may not know you have them until they’ve established a presence in your home. Additionally, homeowners struggle to control these pests on their own, which exacerbates the problem. A bed bug problem typically needs the help of professional pest control experts.

All The Places Bed Bugs Could Be Hiding In The House

Bed bugs in Western Massachusetts are not always visible. Instead, you have to search them out and look for signs of an infestation. Some of the places you will want to search for signs of them include:

  • Bedding, which could show black marks, tiny droppings, and small smears of dried blood
  • Bed frames, where they could be in crevices or hidden areas
  • Mattresses, where they may be found in between the mattress and box spring
  • Upholstered furniture, where they hide in crevices and between cushions
  • Molding, which can have bed bugs hiding behind the wood
  • Outlet covers, where they can hide behind the plastic cover

Don’t expect to see these insects being active during the day, as they are primarily nocturnal.

The Secret To Effective Bed Bug Control

Although you may be tempted to try some home remedies for controlling bed bugs, calling our pest control experts to help with the infestation is the best option. We have the experience and expertise required to handle almost any kind of pest that Western Massachusetts homeowners find, including bed bugs.

Our team can start by investigating the problem and looking for signs of an infestation. Our experts may find that you are lucky enough to not have bed bugs in the home. If so, you can deploy preventive techniques to keep it that way.

Preventing Bed Bug Infestations: Tips And Techniques

Because bed bugs can be difficult for homeowners to spot on their own, taking steps toward preventing bed bugs at all times is the smarter option. Some tips for avoiding infestations include:

  • When traveling, keep coats and purses off the ground.
  • Place items in your suitcase inside a sealable plastic bag.
  • After traveling, leave your suitcase in a garage or outdoors before running a vacuum over it.
  • Immediately wash any clothing you wore on the trip in hot water.
  • Thoroughly clean any used furniture before you bring it in your home.

If you still end up with these insects, the best way to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress is to call in professional help. In Western Massachusetts, American Pest Solutions offers the best bed bug pest control near you.

We’ve served this region’s pest control needs for more than 100 years, and we are not slowing down. If you are ready for a free evaluation and to learn more about what we can do for you, contact us today.
