Fly Prevention 101: How To Keep Your Home Fly-Free In Western Massachusetts

Fruit fly in a kitchen.

Home fly control in Western Massachusetts is essential for keeping your home protected and for protecting your sanity as well. Common varieties of house flies may seem harmless at first buzz, but if they’re left to their own devices, they quickly reproduce and amplify their presence.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Flies bring other risks into human homes, often without us even knowing. The good news is that this article contains useful information about different kinds of flies you’re likely to encounter, the problems they can lead to, practical prevention tips, and the ultimate fix for serious fly infestations.

We’re glad to have you with us. Feel free to read along or jump ahead to the prevention tips.

Common Fly Species: Key Insights For Effective Control

There are many common types of flies in Western Massachusetts that you can find inside your home. We want to highlight some of these species and quickly touch on how they can be dealt with based on their habits.

Cluster flies may look like house flies, but they’re smaller, at around a quarter of an inch long, and they have very different habits. Cluster flies like to spend time in attics or other rarely used areas of your house. Timely professional treatment can make short work of them.

Fruit flies are some of the peskiest flies around, and anyone who’s dealt with them before can attest to that. Fruit flies are exceptionally small, around one-eighth of an inch long. True to their name, they like rotting fruit, vegetables, and other materials commonly found in kitchens. Keeping your kitchen clean can reduce their numbers, but professional control is also a great option.

If you happen upon a fly species in your home that doesn’t match these descriptions, try to get a photo for comparison or contact a pest control service to have a look.

Confronting Flies In The House: Understanding The Risks

Are flies dangerous? When talking about the risks of having flies in your home, this is a very important question to answer. The short answer is yes, but this requires a quick explanation.

Flies aren’t dangerous in the same way that scorpions or venomous spiders are dangerous. They’re not aggressive toward humans, and if they were, there isn’t much they could do to actually attack. But it would be a mistake to call flies harmless.

The most notable risk that most flies present is a health risk. Flies come into contact with a huge number of surfaces and substances, and this makes them prime germ carriers. So even if a fly doesn’t take an interest in you, it could still be spreading germs in different parts of your home by simply landing on things.

Specifically, flies can spread dysentery and food poisoning, which is reason enough to want them removed.

Proactive Fly Prevention: Implementing Measures To Keep Flies Out

What can you do to keep flies away now and in the future? Here are some prevention measures that discourage flies from invading your space:

  • Throw out trash bags often, especially if you’re throwing away bits of produce.
  • Check and repair window screens that have been damaged.
  • If you have a dog, keep your yard clean of droppings.
  • Use door sweeps and weatherstripping on doors and windows, respectively.
  • Get rid of sources of standing water.

These tips aren’t difficult, and they really can be a big help to make your house less appealing to different types of flies.

Professional Pest Control For Fly Infestations: Why Hire Experts

Why hire experts? Hiring a pest control service is how to get rid of flies, period. DIY control can generally only take you so far. Pest control providers can guarantee the removal of pesky flies, and we can also offer insights on prevention for your home.

For home pest control in Western Massachusetts, reach out to us here at American Pest Solutions. We can answer your questions and get you set up with an appointment.
