Tick Talk: Effective Prevention And Control Strategies For Your Property In Western Massachusetts

A close up image of a tick on the skin

Although ticks are primarily found during the summertime in high-humidity weather, you may need tick control in Western Massachusetts at almost any time of the year. If you have pets or if you have a lot of wildlife around your property, you may need help with controlling ticks for much of the year.

The team at American Pest Solutions has been in business for more than a century. We have proven techniques for handling all kinds of pests, including ticks. We are a local home pest control company that has licenses and certifications that you can trust.

Common Types of Ticks: Identification and Characteristics

Although you might think that all ticks are the same, there are a few different species you may find in Western Massachusetts. These species of ticks have similar behaviors, but they look a little different, so learning more about what these pests look like can give you confidence that you are seeing a tick rather than some other type of insect.

  • American dog ticks range in size from about 3/16 to 5/8 of an inch when engorged.
  • Deer ticks in Western Massachusetts are about 1/8 of an inch in size, and they don’t change body size much when they feed.
  • Lone Star ticks are about 1/4 of an inch in size, and they expand to almost 1/2 of an inch in size after feeding. They are only found in some parts of Massachusetts.

All of these ticks are primarily brown or black, although some may have orange or red shades of brown or gray markings. They all have flat, oval bodies, making them hard to kill. After they feed, though, the ticks’ bodies often swell, and they are no longer flat.

Top Tick-Borne Diseases: Warning Signs to Watch For

When they bite you, ticks can deliver dangerous diseases, including:

  • Tularemia
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Tick paralysis
  • Lyme disease
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Babesiosis

Not every tick is carrying one of these diseases, so you may be able to avoid a serious illness after a tick bites you. However, you don’t want to take a chance that you are unlucky enough to receive a bite from an infected tick, so having professional treatment of these pests is a way to greatly reduce the chances of a bite.

More commonly, you probably will have a skin reaction to the bite. Tick bites are itchy, and they often leave a red welt on the skin. Hopefully, that’s the only reaction you will have to a bite.

Tick Prevention: Remedy Factors That Attract Ticks to Your Property

The best way to avoid acquiring an illness from a tick bite is to learn how to get ticks out of your yard and off your property. If you don’t have exposure to ticks, you won’t receive a bite. Start by keeping your grass mowed and trimming any overgrown bushes, as ticks like to hide in these places. Avoid having bird feeders near the home, as the food draws many types of wildlife that may have ticks. 

Additionally, our professionals at American Pest Solutions can give you some specific tips regarding prevention at your property.

Professional Tick Control: A Smart and Effective Solution

Tick prevention techniques are important to keep your pets and family safe from this dangerous pest. At American Pest Solutions, we can respond to a call for a single tick control application if you notice a potential infestation. We also can set up a regular inspection and control schedule, giving you confidence that ticks won’t gain a foothold at your Western Massachusetts property. 

Request a free evaluation from our professionals today.
