Earwig Control Made Simple For Homeowners In Western Massachusetts

Earwig tail up close.

According to the Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the European earwig is the primary species of this insect that exists in this region. Along with slugs, earwigs commonly damage plants in yards with damp conditions.

How did earwigs get their name? The term is derived from the Anglo-Saxons and translates to “ear creature.” In old folklore, earwigs were believed to crawl in the ears of sleeping individuals.

Why do earwigs keep entering my home? If you have endured too much frustration with these invading pests, quickly get a hold of an earwig exterminator near you for help. A skilled service professional will visit the property, solve the problem, and explain the best ways to stop future intrusions. American Pest Solutions can help with any of your earwig needs.

What Are Earwigs? A Brief Overview

Earwigs are insects with a reddish-brown appearance and flat bodies that measure approximately ¾ of an inch long. Earwigs have six legs and antennae, wings, and a pair of pincers (forceps).

Earwigs are usually found in moist soil beneath stones, wood, and various types of vegetative material that primarily forage at night. These pests consume a diet that includes algae, fungi, and insects in the early stages of development. Immature earwigs, nurtured by their mothers, eat flowers, leaves, and seedlings.

How long do earwigs live? Earwig nymphs typically emerge from their eggs in the spring months, reach adulthood during the summer, and live for about one year.

Earwigs Indoors: Their Impact On Your Home

Using their small bodies, earwigs may infiltrate homes through small openings around exterior doors, windows, or crevices near the foundation. In some cases, earwigs are brought indoors unintentionally within potted plants.

Do earwigs eat plants inside my home? As omnivores, earwigs will eat most foods, including plant materials.

Are earwigs harmful to humans? Earwigs are primarily nuisance pests that pose a very minimal threat to humans and are not carriers of diseases. Some earwig species emit a pungent liquid as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened.

Inside homes, earwigs are often found near sources of water. They are mostly commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry areas.

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Earwigs?

Why are there so many earwigs in your house? Earwigs typically enter homes through small openings. Those with existing problems with these pests inside their homes should promptly speak with a local pest control company like American Pest Solutions. Our trained service technicians will create an effective treatment plan for eliminating any earwigs currently in the home and implement some preventative measures that will keep these pests from returning.

Tips To Prevent Earwigs From Entering Your Home

Are you seeking practical solutions that will prevent earwigs in your home? Some of the most effective preventative measures to consider include:

  • Avoid attracting earwigs to areas around the home by limiting moisture by not overwatering lawns or gardens and keeping gutter systems clear.
  • Look for any cracks or similar openings around the external foundation and fill them with a water-resistant sealant.
  • Promptly repair or replace any torn or otherwise damaged window screens.
  • Ensure that basements and crawl spaces are properly ventilated, and use dehumidifiers if needed to reduce excessive humidity.

Despite your best efforts at preventing them, earwigs are opportunistic creatures that might still find ways inside your home. To achieve a prompt resolution to problems with these pests, contacting a well-qualified earwig exterminator is the smart choice.

American Pest Solutions remains among the leading providers of residential pest control services for property owners in the Western Massachusetts region. Some of our specialized pest management services include the removal of bed bugs, termites, rodents, nuisance birds, and more. For an onsite inspection, please contact our office today.
