Canton, Connecticut Pest Control
Canton, Connecticut Pest Control
How would you describe Canton to a newcomer? If you were to talk to someone new to the area, would you describe the many activities in Mills Pond Park? Maybe you’d mention one of Canton’s other parks or the fields and trails in the area. Would you detail some of the activities organized by the Canton Community Center or the fact that Canton is home to Poet Laureate David K. Leff?
When looking at all that Canton has to offer, it might also be important to note that Canton is within the service area of American Pest Solutions. No town is exempt from pests, so it’s important to know which professional services you can count on if you live in Hartford County. We’ve been in business since 1913 and are family-owned, community-focused, and more than ready to help you keep your home protected.
Home Pest Control In Canton, CT

Our residential pest control service is called PestGuard. This comprehensive pest prevention plan protects against some of the most common household pests, like ants, cockroaches, and spiders. PestGuard also includes termite monitoring so that you can protect your home from irreparable damage. Also, we’ll treat the eaves of your house to prevent stinging insects from nesting on your property.
PestGuard begins with an inspection of the interior of the house and treatment. We use exclusionary techniques to create lasting solutions. After treatment, we’ll come back four times a year to apply an additional treatment to the outside of your home and to check in with you about any potential pest problems you might be observing.
If PestGuard isn’t enough, American Pest Solutions also offers specific treatments for mosquito prevention. Mosquito Guard targets mosquitoes as well as ticks and fleas. We also specialize in rodent and wildlife control. With our years of experience and our board-certified entomologist, you can be sure that your home is in good hands.
Commercial Pest Control In Canton, CT
In addition to residential services, we offer commercial pest control to businesses across Canton. We offer bed bug services, pest bird prevention, rodent and wildlife trapping, and mosquito elimination. These are our specialties, but you can call to find out what treatments we offer for any pest you’re dealing with.
Our staff is trained continually by our entomologist. We take an innovative approach and seek creative ways to provide lasting results. At American Pest Solutions, a free inspection can get you started as we work together to create a treatment plan. We use an online platform called Transparent Accountability to share billing information, service history, and other important information with you.
We know that bugs are bad for business. Whether you’re a hotel manager fighting bed bugs, a restaurant dealing with cockroaches, or an office infested with termites, we offer 24-hour service to quickly remove pests and avoid the damage they can cause to your property and your reputation. Let us help; we’re ready!
Are Ticks In Canton, CT Dangerous?
Ticks are small bugs that are black or brown. They feed off blood from mammals and sometimes even birds and reptiles. Ticks hide in long grass or thick bushes, waiting for a meal to pass by. When a person or animal comes along, ticks will latch on and crawl until they find flesh in which to draw a meal. As unpleasant as this sounds, the real danger of ticks is much greater than just a bite.
Ticks carry many diseases. A single tick bite can cause a fever, rash, muscle pain, and more. These parasites are associated with Lyme disease, Colorado tick fever, Bourbon virus disease, and many others. These diseases can have life-altering consequences and may be fatal in both humans and animals.
There are a few ways you can protect yourself against ticks. If you have pets, the first step you'll want to take is to work with your veterinarian to find tick and flea prevention that works for your pet.
The next step is to learn to protect yourself. When you know you’ll be spending time outdoors, wear long pants and light colors so that you will see any ticks trying to crawl on you. After returning home, inspect yourself and any pets or family members for ticks.
Finally, get tick protection by letting us keep your yard free of ticks. Our Mosquito Guard treatment works against mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. We’ll spray areas with tall grass, thick foliage, and dense plants where ticks often hide. This service will allow you to spend time in your yard without worrying about ticks and the dangers they present.
3 Things You Can Do To Avoid Bed Bugs In Canton, CT
Bed bugs can be a problem no matter where you live. They travel with humans — in furniture, in luggage, even in clothing. You might find bed bugs in a hotel, a restaurant, an airport, a train, or a movie theater. They result in itchy bites and can cause allergic reactions and sleepless nights.
When it comes to a bed bug infestation, it’s worth giving American Pest Solutions a call. However, before it comes to that, here are some tips for avoiding these pests in the first place.
Check before you sit. Whether you’re traveling or just going out for dinner and a movie, take a second to inspect your surroundings. Look for bugs, bloodstains, or fecal matter. Any of these should be a warning sign to sit elsewhere and ask management to take a closer look.
Travel smart. When you are traveling, take a moment to inspect the hotel room. Don’t put your suitcase on the bed; instead use the provided luggage stand or a hard surface.
After traveling, or after hosting guests, take some time to wash clothes and sheets in hot water. Look through your baggage or mattress to make sure there are no signs of bed bugs. If you see any dark stains or bits of bugs, call us immediately for help.
Bed bugs can multiply quickly, and they can be difficult to kill. We use a trained K9 team to identify how far the infestation has spread. We then treat your home to eliminate all bed bugs. We try to avoid using harsh chemicals and may use vacuuming and insecticide to remove them. If necessary, we’ll come back for several follow-up visits to ensure we eradicate them completely.
When it comes to protecting your Canton home or business, we know that you want the best. We’re community-focused, and we want the best for you. We’ll work with you to create innovative solutions with lasting results. Any pest, any problem, we can help. Give us a call to schedule your first inspection and start your journey toward a pest-free home.

Trust Massachusetts' oldest family owned pest control company to protect your family & home.